Country Luxury

I like shooting the homes on the beach, that's for sure. But there's something awesome about getting away from all that hype and shooting some laid back country living.
For a cool $3M, you too could have this relaxing little pad on the north shore. I'm still about $2.99M short, otherwise I'd snag it myself.
Video & Pics, as normal. Please excuse the lazy old farm dog in the front yard of the video. That sucker was so chill, I flew the drone about 4ft overhead and he didn't even move! Just watched it cruise past like no big thing. So...the dog earned it's right, because even the owner couldn't get him to stop going over to that spot. lol
Cool house! Some nice ones in there!
Nice set! I can't figure if I like or hate the broken concrete slabs/lamps/decor whatever they are...
As usual, JonaBeth, I love your work. In my case, though, you've got a mountain to climb to make this house appealing. I wouldn't begin to know how to decorate and furnish this place. Perhaps the site itself is strong enough to save the deal.
$3M is a bargain, at least if it's Zimbabwe Dollars
Joke aside, really nice work again. The realtors in Hawaii can be lucky to have such a good visual presenter as you are. And I couldn't imagine shooting those luxury realties all day long and go back to my "normal" home afterwards...
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
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I feel ya' on this one. I had a hard time relating to much of the home, other than nerding out on the fine details individually. That's when I could really appreciate it much more. Such as having floor lights in the hall, or a steel ladder to a loft office space. But I'll be the first to say, the pool feels awkward in relationship to the house, and the rusty steel isn't really my cup o' tea. But I can def see that someone will fall in love with the place and have their own lazy farm dog laying in the yard. lol
Thank you for saying such kind things! I put a lot of heart into the work I do, and it's nice when someone from afar can appreciate it. As for the come-home reality check, you're absolutely spot's a thing. These days, I manage it just fine, as I'm quite pleased with our current living situation. It's a roomy cottage, with a nice lil' yard & garden, recently renovated, so all is well with that. But there certainly are days I come home scratching my head wondering how the hell people can spend so much money on such things in a single lifetime!
Thank you Taz!!
I'm right there with ya'. In the photos, they do pretty well. In person, I never could decide, and I was there from midday through sunset!
am I dreaming? This is wonderful, like I am walking thru the home seeing things for myself. I especially like the sun circle.