Background consistency and click through.
I've just been updating my site and came across two issues that really should be options in settings..
It's possible to set the background image for the home page and galleries theme, but when in a gallery and you enlarge a photo or use the gallery slideshow they come with the theme's primary colour as the background. The only thing I could find to change these two in settings was to change the primary colour, which in turn changed the theme of all associated pages, not what I was looking for. Linking of all backgrounds would be a welcome addition. I also noticed that when (with the patient help of members of DG) I added CSS that allowed me to synchronise all web pages to the same image, the enlarged and gallery slideshow images did not dynamically resize as the home page and galleries do. A solution to this would be welcome too.
When adding a picture to the home page with a click through to a gallery, the gallery opens to the enlarged picture from the home page. A option to either open the picture or the gallery as first view would be welcome.