Mobile / Cell Phone Usability

I would like similar features to Flickr in my ability to use the SmugMug app. I should see a lock or the absence of a lock on all images so I know if they are shown publicly of nor. I should like to see this within the app, not have to open a web page on my phone. The reason being, the images show beautifully on there. and I'd like to edit the look of my page when I'm out and about. I only use my laptop for uploading the images, mobile for arranging.
I have made this request before on Facebook and although the response I received at the time seemed adequate I am still drawn to my original suggestion/request
Both the SmugMug iOS and Android apps already display this. The visibility of the gallery is displayed with a badge with the words “Unlisted” or “Private”, and Password Protected galleries use an icon with a lock.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Sorry, I mean the images...
For instance, I have galleries which are public but not all the images within those galleries. An example might be of my daughter, I might keep all the images safe in there but only a few may be public. That is only an example. But the request is of the images and not the galleries
The only thing I know for photos is "hide". Everything else is handled on a gallery level.
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Every image within a gallery has the same settings as the gallery. Aside from collected photos, which would adhere to the original galleries setting, it's not possible to have private and public photos mixed together, so the designation at the gallery level would be the most useful depiction.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
@leftquark That doesn't seem to be true. I have a public gallery ( and within it I went to the ORganize view and hid a photo. Now when viewed publicly the photo I hid can't bee seen. But when I am logged in, I can see the photo. I think this might be what @Sigh might be asking for.
Any progress on this? (having the "hidden" symbol visible when logged in using the phone apps, on photos in your own galleries that are hidden from the public). In other words, we need the capability to see what individual photos we've hidden previously from the public, when logged in, on the phone apps. (We can currently do this on desktop).
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)