I stumbled upon this old barn and was damn near hypnotized looking at this end of it. I assure you that you are seeing a flat, continuous surfice running from one corner to the other.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
That is a most curious construction technique. I bet this old barn has some tales to tell, if we only knew how to listen.
Thanks for finding, capturing and sharing this scene!
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
That really looks tilted to me. It's a wonderful catch!
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
It's good to hear from you, Ziggy. As you may know, I've been tracking down old barns and other old farm buildings for more years than I want to admit to. I, too, wonder about the stories these old barns could tell. While I've never heard voices, I've had two different experiences that caused the hair on my head, neck and arms to stand up. With the talk about parallel universes and the such, perhaps one day we humans can bridge into communication with things like this. I hope I'm alive when it happens.
Hi, Denise. Thanks for the visit. In the literally hundreds of old structures I've shot, I can't remember a single one that you could consider to be squared up. Depending on your angle of view, these things canter and tilt all over the place. My only approach is to make sure my camera is level and lets the chips fall where they may.
What a fine image! It drives my neurosis for straight lines crazy but that's my problem.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
It's funny that you say that, Don. I'm somewhat afflicted with a bit of the same neurosis. You kind of get over it when you're around these old barns so much or you'll go crazy for sure.
Great find. Worth a photo study at different angles and lighting conditions.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Whoever built that has a good sense of humor.
Good suggestion, David. I have already planned to visit that barn again next month. I'm particularly interested in seeing how a change in ambient lighting will affect the image. Thanks for commenting.
Very cool find Tom!!
Great find and shot. Do share your ESP experiences!
More likely it was accomplished with some old friend to a lot of folks up there......Dr. Moonshine, I believe.
Thanks, brother.
I've learned why some folks that experience unexplained events and happenings don't want to talk about them; suspicion and ridicule. I don't recount these episodes very often. I don't dive too deep into the paranormal pool but there are certainly things that happen that aren't easily explained. As I said, I've been through two situations that really spooked me. I was in a barn that was fairly isolated. It set on a rise in a sparsely wooded pasture, probably a quater mile from anything else, the closest being an abandoned farm house. It wasn't a big place but I took to poking around inside, always on the guard from ole "Jake Noshoulders " I'd been there perhaps 10 minutes when I heard a loud squeaking - like sound coming from the entryway I had just used. I went back outside and about 15 feet away was an old gate that was attached to only a single pole. I have no idea what the purpose for the gate was. There was no evidence as to why it was there. The squeaking had abated just as I was leaving the barn. I was standing probably 5 feet from the gate when it started to swing in about a two foot arc. It would swing two feet one direction, stop ang swing two feet back. The squeaking now was pronounced, not too susprising as it was really rusty. There was zero wind to move it. I could feel absolutely no ground movement through my feet that may have affected the gate. It was still swinging as I hustled over to my truck. As I was turning around to leave, I looked over and the gate had ceased swinging.
The other incident involved sound, but no voices. I had another guy with me this time. In fact, he was my entre to the property. The old place belonged to a relative of his. This place was so dilapidated I had second thoughts of even going in it. It was a pretty big barn, easily 35 by 50 feet. One end had totally collapsed. There was a door on one wall that led to an attached area covered by the roof of the barn but otherwise open. We had done a quick survey of the main area. when we both heard a very loud thumping sound accompanied by an equally loud horse whinnying sound. I'm fairly familiar with that sound. It came from right on the other side of the wall with the door. I mean it sounded like it was in the room with us. We tried to open the door to that outside area, but couldn't. We then went around to that covered open area. There was a real old open carriage sitting there and an array of harnesses and such. Must have been six inches of dirt and dust over everything. Hadn't been anything out there moved for who knows how long. The guy I was with spoke with his relatives and told them of our experience. The owner was 93 years old. He said that years ago a brother of his had mentioned an event about like ours but that he didn't pay him any mind. Said he was nothing but a drunk.
I don't dwell on these events. I can't explain either of them. I don't even try. I can tell you, though, I'm a lot more open minded about a lot of stuff than I used to be.
This has to be one of my favorites of your barn shots, Tom. Crazy lines, texture, and mystery -- plus the ugly colors really add to the idea that this is a forgotten and ignored place. Love it!
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks, Lauren. There's no question that this old barn is probably the most unusual one I've ever encountered. For sure, it's certainly one of the most foreboding as well....partly due to its location way back in a secluded hollow.
Sleepy hollow? Ichabod Crane?
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks for sharing Tom. Good stories, well told too! I think most of us have been involved in unexplained events that leave you perplexed and creeped out.
Makes for a good topic for a mini-challenge!
Thanks for looking in. " Amazing " is a very appropriate word for that old barn.