Launching Lena

The Maine Coast is starting to come alive after a miserable, icy winter. Boatyards are launching boats (into 45 degF water) for the early birds. Lena is a lovely boat that looks a bit gawky hanging in a sling but I'm sure is sleek and trim on the water.
Rolling out to the launch dock
Fun with extreme wide (15mm-e)
Setting the Mast
I didn't get a shot of her in the water. They still had to mount the boom and tighten all the fittings so there was still a long way to go.
I like last relaxed the two gentleman are, suspended in air.
It got even more interesting. Here the boat owner is on an ordinary cylindrical-rung wooden ladder with the top rung resting on the cylindrical mast in order to remove one of the lines used to hoist the mast. Not my idea of a stable set up.