To me the red caps, the sharpness, and the brightness of the lichen make for a strong foreground. The oof background is the environment and to me it is ok if you look there too.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
The second shot is teriffic. I think a little boost in contrast might be beneficial. The subject matter is just the sort of stuff that I relly like to find. Good work.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
When I clicked on the thread I was expecting Lichen, but the trees in background pulled my eyes out. Background is second most important thing, after light, subject can’t make up for the other two. Ideally background should compliment the subject, highlight it, and be inconspicuous otherwise. If it starts jumping up and down, screaming, look at me, look at me, it stops being background, and becomes competing subject. I have never seen red Lichen, so it is indeed lovely. I think you can minimize the impact of background if you crop the top half, couple of centimeters above where log triangle meets the left edge. Kind of pano shot. Would look good then. Just trying to help. Keep shooting! Cheers
I agree that the background is important, that's why I left it there. It is darker and softer than the subject and shows the environment the lichen are growing in, an old wagon and wheel. The spokes of the wheel even form radial lines converging on the lichen. I prefer it the way it is.
Broken card shot is powerful! the LIchen background is too busy and distracting. Cheers
To me the red caps, the sharpness, and the brightness of the lichen make for a strong foreground. The oof background is the environment and to me it is ok if you look there too.
The second shot is teriffic. I think a little boost in contrast might be beneficial. The subject matter is just the sort of stuff that I relly like to find. Good work.
When I clicked on the thread I was expecting Lichen, but the trees in background pulled my eyes out. Background is second most important thing, after light, subject can’t make up for the other two. Ideally background should compliment the subject, highlight it, and be inconspicuous otherwise. If it starts jumping up and down, screaming, look at me, look at me, it stops being background, and becomes competing subject. I have never seen red Lichen, so it is indeed lovely. I think you can minimize the impact of background if you crop the top half, couple of centimeters above where log triangle meets the left edge. Kind of pano shot. Would look good then. Just trying to help. Keep shooting! Cheers
I agree that the background is important, that's why I left it there. It is darker and softer than the subject and shows the environment the lichen are growing in, an old wagon and wheel. The spokes of the wheel even form radial lines converging on the lichen. I prefer it the way it is.