Rhingia campestris, a Hoverfly with a Snout
in Holy Macro
For several years, I have been disappointed at not finding this species. Today I found it at last, on the flowers of Jack by the Hedge aka Garlic Mustard, a typical crucifer. (The elongated seed pods often blocked the view).
It was a difficult session, with a light breeze moving the leaves and the sky darkening from thickening clouds. I used a smaller aperture than is my preference and had to raise the ISO to 1600.
Olympus EM-1 (aperture priority), Olympus 4/3 x2 TC, Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro, 1/200 sec then 1/100 sec at f10 ISO 800, (first two) then 1/100 sec at f9 ISO 1600, hand-held.
These are not as sharp as I would like but show the fly’s characteristics. All are of females.
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Brian V.
Thanks, Brian.
I hope to find them again today.