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A restoration project at the Wooden Boat School, Brooklin, ME. A classic Herreshoff 12 1/2, designed in 1914 by Nat Herreshoff, designer (and winner) of 6 America's Cup boats in the early 20th Century. Still in production with more modern processes, Herreshoff built 364 wooden hulled 12 1/2s through the 1940's. There are several of the original 12 1/2s at WBS in excellent condition.
Nice work, Werner.
Man, you're really helping me on my boat-fix needs! We don't have this kind of boat community around here, it's mostly fishing and tour boats, with the occasional super fancy sailboat. Thanks for sharing these!
Living in a town that claims to be " the boat building capital of the world" does provide some nice photo ops. There are seven active boat building shops in this town (pop. 900) and Wooden Boat Magazine and School. All but one build wooden boats, the other builds fiberglass lobster boats.