New Growth in the Bog: Darlingtonia
in Holy Macro
This insectivorous plant gets its head down for the winter (lower, coloured leaves). In late spring, new growth starts. those leaves (pitchers) will colour up in the sun.
Olympus EM-1, (aperture priority), Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro 1/60 at f7.1 ISO 250, hand-held.
The stereo is crosseye.
Look like snakes coming out of the pot- interesting.
Brian V.
Thanks, Brian.
Yes, hence the popular name Cobra Lily. It is not related to lilies at all. On the other hand, Arisaema speciosum, also known as the Cobra Lily, is an Arum.
It has a reputation for being difficult to cultivate but I find it thrives when Sarracenias do not.