Snowy Morning in Boston

I think maybe Bubba got the weather he was looking for today. These two pictures were taken of my urban landscape this morning while it was still snowing and before the temperature went above freezing and the snow melted off the trees.
This is a picture taken of the rooftops of Brownstones and the snow covered trees on Commonwealth Mall. It looks quite nice as a print.

This a building on Exeter Street. I was taken with the lacy look of the tree in front of the window.

I pushed the contrast in the second picture to bring out the white of the snow on the tree, but I think perhaps I went too far Any thoughts? Constructive comments welcome on both.
This is a picture taken of the rooftops of Brownstones and the snow covered trees on Commonwealth Mall. It looks quite nice as a print.

This a building on Exeter Street. I was taken with the lacy look of the tree in front of the window.

I pushed the contrast in the second picture to bring out the white of the snow on the tree, but I think perhaps I went too far Any thoughts? Constructive comments welcome on both.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Love the first one. Snow on trees does it for me.. I'm not so into the second one though. Too much brick in the background me thinks.. or maybe it's the chopped off window in the upper left..
This AM I was across the state, at my GF's place. I turned on the radio, heard about the mayhem on the major highways 'round here and decided it was a good day to try to avoid the major routes and go the back way. Somewhere out on NH-111 between Salem and the middle of nowhere I found myself in a gap in traffic, alone, on the road surrounded by pines covered in snow. The road crews had not yet caught up and the road was just a pair of double-tracks through the snow. It was very wonderful. ... Your first photo reminds me vaguely of that minute or so alone on that road. Odd that my situation was in rural NH and yours was in urban Boston..
I like the first as well. I do think that with a little levels adjustment I'd like it more. I'd like the buildings to stand out a bit more and I think the red brink against the snow would look nice..
I've shot a few at the 9th of December snowstorm (this storm, i got stuck in traffic!). Here's one with a little different take on the whole storm:
Whadda-ya think?
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Bubba, I'm really glad you are enjoying the snow. There is just a little left here in the city.
Thanks 4labs and Rutt for your specific thoughts on #1. I really like the punch up you did Rutt. I did some LAB work on it and made sure I had a black point, but I was maybe too cautious. I also sharpened it, but backed off there too because it looks pretty awful if oversharpened. I'd like to keep the smokey feel of the falling snow but it does look better with more of the red brick showing through. I'll work on it. (BTW, I am trying to adapt the tuts and Margulis' book to Corel PhotoPaint, which is a challenge upon a challenge in almost all cases!)
As for #2, it doesn't work for me either which is a disappointment because it was one of those times when I had a vision of what I was trying to capture. I just couldn't fit the elements I wanted into the frame in a pleasing way. It might have worked better if I could have gone downstairs to someone elses unit and taken the photo from their window.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Brrrr. It makes me cold just looking at it. I like it.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Hi Rutt,
I read the Pop tuts, made sure I had a black and a white point, brought out the red of the buildings and sharpened a bit more aggressively. But what I can't figure out is how you got rid of most of the blur from the falling snow. Surely that requires more than just finding the black and white points. Bluring in the a or the a and b channels? Or am I missing something?
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I just spiced up some bird shots with more pop!
Seems like "some" of us forgot to "pop.:D
And I don't have the excuse you do, I use PS. But you know what, since it was just a blue/white bird, I got very cautious, too.
I really like that view and how you captured it,
Here is where I am making it "pop" more than on my original work-up.
Also, loath to let go on the other photo (even though I doubt I will ever even print it), I played with it a bit and came up with this which is IMHO more interesting than my first try.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus