Chin up Ginger,
I know it's been very quiet around here lately. Not nearly as much chatter as there was a while back. I guess everyone is busy working or out of town. There's not many people posting shots for this challenge. Certainly not me. I may not get anything good at all. But, I keep checking in to see how you're doing. I've been working today.
A few people have been trying to get some night shots. Bravo, for them! It's not easy to get out at night or at 4 am. I liked the shots of the train station taken with a P&S. Forgot who did it. Pathfinder? You may just get something good with your ELF. Who knows? But, don't go out in a storm, OK?
Heh heh, yeah; I kinda gave up on this place too... I started a thread about how it seemed so dead... Ive stagnated photographically, hitting limits in all sorts of dimensions, though not really as much with my equipment or skill as with my time or energy levels.... I just started college here at the JC and Im working on a Bachelors in Anthropology; damn thing is gonna take me like 6 years, so you can bet Ill take advantage of my local JC (has one of the best transfer programs in the state!)!
This board kinda creeps me out, though... I havent been posting on RDO either, but its a lot more active there, and there you dont have to worry about people deleting your posts or threads or whatever. The most they can/will do is lock a thread, so it lets us explore our upper limits of rowdiness/appropiateness without things just dissapearing.
In all honesty, I dont see great things in the future of this board, and even smugmug is beginning to feel a little stale... I like my account, but Im no artist or fancy-pants profiteering entrepreneur, so I dont know how much good it does me anyway... The other thing that kinda bothers me about this whole scene is that it has the stiff and sharp aroma of capitalism lingering around it... I dont pay too much attention to it, but I know why this place exists nonetheless...
Anywho, Ms. Ginger, if you decide to start up a marine aquarium that happens to contain a live coral or two, youre obviously welcome over at (RDO), and theres a section there regarding the photographing of tanks, species, and off topic-stuff too.... Just dont tell them I sent you; Im a cast-away wherever I go it seems!
It is quiet at the moment, I've been really busy for the last week or so, with family, work and social commitments, I've still managed to shoot lots though just no time to process them all! I'm off to the West Coast of Denmark for a week on Saturday, (anybody else been??) so It'll take me a while to catch up
I like it hear
Am I the only person to pipe up and say he likes it here? I hear about new products, hear about techniques, get critiques, see other people's work, learn and grow. So I don't participate in the challenge, big deal. There is more to this board than just the challenge.
The other thing that kinda bothers me about this whole scene is that it has the stiff and sharp aroma of capitalism lingering around it...
I'll never understand what people's gripes about capitalism is.
I like it here as well. This is set to my home page and I look at it all the time to see whats new. I like offering advice to those I think I can help and I like reading the advice posted by others.
I like looking at the pictures other people post. I like seeing what people have to say about mine.
I like the fact that smugmug and dgrin both listen to what the users have to say about making it more user friendly for the purpose they want to use it for.
Some members use it to share their photos with friends and family, some use it to sell thier art, some use it as an online proof set, some use it for all three and I am sure there are other reason I haven't even thought of. The fact that they listen to what you use it for and try to make it work better for you is something you dont get most places you go. Thats excellent customer service.
For the most part this is as friendly a place as you are likely to find.
Even the challenges here are better than most contests in some ways. Most contests, you enter, and then you see the winners. Thats it.
Here you see what the judges thought about when they judged them. (except for challenge 20)
I think if you really look at it, this place can be as fun as it ever was.
Me, too. I dig it. The vibes here are great and although it's been semi-quiet, I'll keep stoppin' by. I may even enter a few challenges once I work up the nerve.
Canon Digital Rebel | Canon EOS 35mm | Yashica Electro GSN | Fed5B | Holga 35 MF
I love it here. I've learned a ton, and the tone is almost always friendly. Ask a stupid question here, and you get an answer, not a rant. I like the challenges, but that's not why I read this board almost daily. I come here to learn and get fresh ideas and opinions from folks around the world who have a common interest.
I don't care that "wide angle" doesn't get posted to very much. There are enough other places to go spout off opinions on politics or whatever. This place is for photography, that's what it does best. If you want to swear and rant and rave about something, go to the bike site, it's "curiously strong".
And so what if Baldy started Smugmug to make money? I defy you to find a site with better customer service. Baldy and Onethumb and the rest are working their butts off and are constantly upgrading their site, which has already won major awards, by the way. They could sit back and do nothing and make money, but they won't.
It's a free web, if you don't like it here that's fine. Me? I like it here.
I like this place very much. Three hurricanes and a road trip in the last three weeks have severely limited my time to play. Overall membership keeps creeping upwards, which is a good sign.
I enjoy the friendliness. As for the milquetoast approach, Dewr, there is a good reason for that: members from all walks of life, all age groups and all sensibilities are joining as a result of smugmug. We have to be aware of their sensitivites.... and yes indeed, we don't want to harm smugmug by offensive behavior. I can live with that - there are plenty of boards with rowdy behavior, it's not hard to find them. I enjoy the refuge here. And despite all that, we still have a rough-edged personality or two.
Ginger, perhaps you should take a vacation from the board for a week or two - the break will rejuvenate you. The amount of energy you pour into your posts can burn you out - maybe that's what has happened?
I like the people here, and enjoy interacting with them - when I have the time!
I LOVE it here...
I also love my Smugmug site. I use my smugmug site to share pictures with my family. I have a big family and they are spread all over. So, Smugmug is great for me. I can order prints and my family can order prints too. That's wonderful. And, how can any site survive if it doesn't make some money? The web is wonderful, but it can't survive without advertising to make money. Do you see advertising here?
I found this site through Smugmug. I visited a bunch of times before joining. I joined to learn. I have learned so much in just a few months. I have learned about photoshop through the tutorials given here. And, I have learned soooo much about taking pictures. I want to be a better photographer, not just a photoshopper. Andy and the other moderators are great, but the members are great too. I have learned a lot from the members here.
I can enter photo contests in lots of places. But, just entering and then seeing the winner is no fun. And, not much learning, either. Watching how people improve their shots with the help of others is invaluable.
Ginger likes it here too. I know she does. She is just missing you all. Where have you been? I know Andy has been under the weather, but how about everybody else? We need you all!!
I love it here. I've learned a ton, and the tone is almost always friendly. Ask a stupid question here, and you get an answer, not a rant. I like the challenges, but that's not why I read this board almost daily. I come here to learn and get fresh ideas and opinions from folks around the world who have a common interest.
I don't care that "wide angle" doesn't get posted to very much. There are enough other places to go spout off opinions on politics or whatever. This place is for photography, that's what it does best. If you want to swear and rant and rave about something, go to the bike site, it's "curiously strong".
And so what if Baldy started Smugmug to make money? I defy you to find a site with better customer service. Baldy and Onethumb and the rest are working their butts off and are constantly upgrading their site, which has already won major awards, by the way. They could sit back and do nothing and make money, but they won't.
It's a free web, if you don't like it here that's fine. Me? I like it here.
Nonchalant willingness to ostrasize. I'd forgotten about that one.
Wow. How has everything managed to become so much like our politics these days in the way of bare-knuckle polarization? Has the witch hunt surpassed mild critics and moved on to casual opinion statements? I never said anything about not liking this website, but I notice you, whoever you are and whatever your style, made the mental leap to a conclusion that obviously stems from affiliative methodology. Why? Interesting sociological microcosm this place is, for sure.
What dont I like about capitalism? A fair rebuttle would be what dont you like about socialism or communism, Mr. mercphoto? Infact, it would probably suffice to answer my question out of sheer introspection alone...
Once again people, if you want to ostrasize me, at least wait until I say something truly objectionable, not just something you find a way to object to. If this board is a friendly as every says it is, it shouldnt be hard to accept such a common courtesy. Im not the bad guy because I said what I thought, but dont get ahead of yourselves; there will plenty of other chances to hate me if I find the time to grant this site some traffic.
Sid, I am kind of speechless
I have refrained from answering anything, as I don't want to give anyone something they can argue with.
I do miss everyone, I have just spent an hour or so going over things, reading things, commenting a little.
But to suggest that I am burned out from the photography......
Maybe you are trying to help, but I am floored.
I have taken a break from tennis for several reasons.
Then everyone here just kind of disappeared. Andy posted what his problem was, but I had/still have no idea where some went.
I was going along with the changes quietly, I thought. Then I was suddenly the only one posting to the extent that I tried hard not to post so that my name wouldn't show up as the last person posting on a thread. I thought maybe that was turning people off.
Then my camera broke, we have sent it off for repairs. But that was a big blow as it is kind of an enforced break, though I do have a Canon Elph. But I have put a lot of our resources into things like CS and a tripod, bigger memory card, none of which I need if I don't have my Rebel.
I worked on finishing a photo for the challenge. Maybe it is my imagination, but it almost seemed to be rote with the moderators to check the threads and make comments, a compliment first, then a comment on what could/should be done to make a photo better. But the first part, the compliment is what made it easier to swallow the criticism.
Suddenly I am working in a way totally foreign to me, at night, with a tripod and shutter release, I forge ahead, post and post, Snappy is always there for me and a few other people made a few comments, but nothing like in the past. I felt like I was floundering. Then when Andy said I should shoot at 100 ISO, and a tripod, when I had used a tripod, had asked for specifics and had a broken camera, no longer in our state, I was crushed. I would be out reshooting tonight, if I had the camera, but I can't, so it is like having a paper due, the professor telling you that you need to type it, and you have no access to a typewriter (and I am showing my age with a reference to a typewriter). OK, I am too sensitive.............. I am a lot of bad things. But I am also some good things.
I am just missing what used to be, the support. As you say, you have been busy. Everyone seems to have been busy at once.
I don't need to shoot less, I need to shoot more, and I would like, can't demand, probably won't get, more positive interaction from the people I am used to here. Some people did come on last night to give me some positive comments, I should thank them. But I miss the other people, the moderators, you, Sid, Lynn, Rutt, everyone who is busy, people I considered my friends, Gubbs. And I am sure I am missing someone.
Andy would be one, but I do know where and what is happening with him, I wish it weren't, I wish all his root canals were over, as I am sure he does. Once he realized I was upset last night he came on and said some positive and some constructive criticism about how shooting at a lower ISO in the future would help. I appreciated that.
Now, you are saying I should take a break. Are you projecting, or would you like me to take a break?
I thought I was doing something positive by continuing to enter the Challenges, continuing to shoot and try to do my best. I was devastated about my camera, but it is under warranty, I could use none of the manual settings, I would be an idiot not to send it in. Now that causes a new kind of empty nest syndrome, so to speak.
And to those who don't enter the Challenges, especially the person who said he needed to get his nerve up, well if you don't put yourself out there, maybe you can just guess at how you would feel at being critiqued when you could do nothing to make things better. Especially when there was nothing positive said. When/if things go back to normal, I would suggest that you put yourself out there, the criticism is usually cushioned by positive things in the photographs, we all have those. I call it the ugly baby syndrome. However with the baby you don't mention the bad things, they will either go away, or nothing can be done anyway.
I miss the ugly baby phrases translated into photography critiques, almost a trained thing the sales people, of which Andy is one, do so well. Mention a good thing, then attack the meat of something.
Maybe I should feel complimented that people no longer feel the need to do that with me. But I am sensitive..............
However, dgrin is like my family, I am not going anywhere. I don't have to be happy with it all the time, but it is where I "live", so to speak. I used to like it, I was having a bad evening, I miss some of the people. I need to shoot, well, and work the photos up and post. I need that like an addiction.
I hate the coldness of FM, I don't know any other friendly groups as this one has been. This has had a casualness that fit with me. I do like it, I am just missing some of it. I am not going anywhere, and I don't know how to make it my home page.
I have, in addition to AOL, I have Comcast, that could be made into this as my home page. I don't know how to do that. In addition I don't know how to make links, I think getting here and there, smugmug to here and back is more work for me than it is for some. Anyone who can explain how this stuff is done, I would appreciate it.
ginger (Thanks, Snappy, as always. You are not just good people, you are great people)
I like this place very much. Three hurricanes and a road trip in the last three weeks have severely limited my time to play. Overall membership keeps creeping upwards, which is a good sign.
I enjoy the friendliness. As for the milquetoast approach, Dewr, there is a good reason for that: members from all walks of life, all age groups and all sensibilities are joining as a result of smugmug. We have to be aware of their sensitivites.... and yes indeed, we don't want to harm smugmug by offensive behavior. I can live with that - there are plenty of boards with rowdy behavior, it's not hard to find them. I enjoy the refuge here. And despite all that, we still have a rough-edged personality or two.
Ginger, perhaps you should take a vacation from the board for a week or two - the break will rejuvenate you. The amount of energy you pour into your posts can burn you out - maybe that's what has happened?
I like the people here, and enjoy interacting with them - when I have the time!
Hi wxwax.
Yeah, I dont object to the reason this site seems almost prudish, nor do I really object to the method. I guess where I fell short was in illustrating how the problem isnt with the board or its methods/policies, its just with me. We can choose our company and how we express ourselves, but not always where, and I accpet that as being a totem of the online world. In this case, it pretty much makes sense to administrate the board the way it has been (although I really do question the amount of 11-year olds and whatnot that paruse this forum; doesnt seem to connect to me...), and I have no problem with that. All I was saying is thats what kinda made me leave, and although I cannot speak for others, who's to say it hasnt affected the way people look at this board, atmosphere aside? It makes no difference to one seeking the kind of company that is unabashed or informal or even plain outrageous, and thats kinda all I was saying...
Anyway, have a good day! I gotta study for the anthro exam in a few hours...
I have refrained from answering anything, as I don't want to give anyone something they can argue with.
I do miss everyone, I have just spent an hour or so going over things, reading things, commenting a little.
But to suggest that I am burned out from the photography......
Maybe you are trying to help, but I am floored.
I have taken a break from tennis for several reasons.
Then everyone here just kind of disappeared. Andy posted what his problem was, but I had/still have no idea where some went.
I was going along with the changes quietly, I thought. Then I was suddenly the only one posting to the extent that I tried hard not to post so that my name wouldn't show up as the last person posting on a thread. I thought maybe that was turning people off.
Then my camera broke, we have sent it off for repairs. But that was a big blow as it is kind of an enforced break, though I do have a Canon Elph. But I have put a lot of our resources into things like CS and a tripod, bigger memory card, none of which I need if I don't have my Rebel.
I worked on finishing a photo for the challenge. Maybe it is my imagination, but it almost seemed to be rote with the moderators to check the threads and make comments, a compliment first, then a comment on what could/should be done to make a photo better. But the first part, the compliment is what made it easier to swallow the criticism.
Suddenly I am working in a way totally foreign to me, at night, with a tripod and shutter release, I forge ahead, post and post, Snappy is always there for me and a few other people made a few comments, but nothing like in the past. I felt like I was floundering. Then when Andy said I should shoot at 100 ISO, and a tripod, when I had used a tripod, had asked for specifics and had a broken camera, no longer in our state, I was crushed. I would be out reshooting tonight, if I had the camera, but I can't, so it is like having a paper due, the professor telling you that you need to type it, and you have no access to a typewriter (and I am showing my age with a reference to a typewriter). OK, I am too sensitive.............. I am a lot of bad things. But I am also some good things.
I am just missing what used to be, the support. As you say, you have been busy. Everyone seems to have been busy at once.
I don't need to shoot less, I need to shoot more, and I would like, can't demand, probably won't get, more positive interaction from the people I am used to here. Some people did come on last night to give me some positive comments, I should thank them. But I miss the other people, the moderators, you, Sid, Lynn, Rutt, everyone who is busy, people I considered my friends, Gubbs. And I am sure I am missing someone.
Andy would be one, but I do know where and what is happening with him, I wish it weren't, I wish all his root canals were over, as I am sure he does. Once he realized I was upset last night he came on and said some positive and some constructive criticism about how shooting at a lower ISO in the future would help. I appreciated that.
Now, you are saying I should take a break. Are you projecting, or would you like me to take a break?
I thought I was doing something positive by continuing to enter the Challenges, continuing to shoot and try to do my best. I was devastated about my camera, but it is under warranty, I could use none of the manual settings, I would be an idiot not to send it in. Now that causes a new kind of empty nest syndrome, so to speak.
And to those who don't enter the Challenges, especially the person who said he needed to get his nerve up, well if you don't put yourself out there, maybe you can just guess at how you would feel at being critiqued when you could do nothing to make things better. Especially when there was nothing positive said. When/if things go back to normal, I would suggest that you put yourself out there, the criticism is usually cushioned by positive things in the photographs, we all have those. I call it the ugly baby syndrome. However with the baby you don't mention the bad things, they will either go away, or nothing can be done anyway.
I miss the ugly baby phrases translated into photography critiques, almost a trained thing the sales people, of which Andy is one, do so well. Mention a good thing, then attack the meat of something.
Maybe I should feel complimented that people no longer feel the need to do that with me. But I am sensitive..............
However, dgrin is like my family, I am not going anywhere. I don't have to be happy with it all the time, but it is where I "live", so to speak. I used to like it, I was having a bad evening, I miss some of the people. I need to shoot, well, and work the photos up and post. I need that like an addiction.
I hate the coldness of FM, I don't know any other friendly groups as this one has been. This has had a casualness that fit with me. I do like it, I am just missing some of it. I am not going anywhere, and I don't know how to make it my home page.
I have, in addition to AOL, I have Comcast, that could be made into this as my home page. I don't know how to do that. In addition I don't know how to make links, I think getting here and there, smugmug to here and back is more work for me than it is for some. Anyone who can explain how this stuff is done, I would appreciate it.
ginger (Thanks, Snappy, as always. You are not just good people, you are great people)
Hi Ms. Ginger.
Welcome to the art world; a curious and frustrating (to me atleast) blend of objectivity and subjectivity! I always liked you and they way you posted, as though writing a letter. For what is worth (not much, obviously, coming from me), I think you are one of the best assets this board has, and youre obviosly a part of this site's foundation!
I think you may have mis-interpreted wxwaxy there; I heard what he was saying, but only because Ive tasted the different flavors of webspeak by now... Im guessing what he was trying to say was that you dont need to take a break from shooting, but merely a break from this board or all things web-oriented...? Its happened to me; Ive had to do the same thing. The way people work on these sorts of boards--Ive found out--they are not trying to banish you or are tired of hearing you; taking a break from this or any other board is in no way negative!Nobody looks down on you for abandoning every now and then as it suits you, because frankly, not only is it necessary (at least to me and my own sanity), but opinions are hard to carry through words (except some). Thats all that I can think of... Man, I gotta study for my exam....
Well, in any case Ms. Ginger, have a great day, and I hope things become clearer; I tried, but I probably made things worse...
Has the witch hunt surpassed mild critics and moved on to casual opinion statements? I never said anything about not liking this website, but I notice you, whoever you are and whatever your style, made the mental leap to a conclusion that obviously stems from affiliative methodology. Why? Interesting sociological microcosm this place is, for sure.
What he (I forgot who) stated was simple and factual: its a free web. Different places cater to different people and needs. There is no conspiracy here, nobody is trying to ostracize you. I'm wondering if you have a persecution complex. Nobody is persecuting you or telling you to leave. It was a simple statement of fact, nothing else. Get over it.
What dont I like about capitalism? A fair rebuttle would be what dont you like about socialism or communism, Mr. mercphoto? Infact, it would probably suffice to answer my question out of sheer introspection alone...
So instead of answering my question you rebut back to my another question? Oh well...
What don't I like about communism? Jeez, where have you seen it succeed? Poor standards of living, no inovation, and a mind-set that says "don't care for yourself, let the government do it for you".
What don't I like about socialism? At least that's a question not easily answered. Fundamentally I believe in taking care of myself, and everyone else doing likewise. We are adults. Don't depend on government to care for you, be an adult and do it yourself. I don't believe in wealth distribution. If I earn something, let me keep it as reward, don't tell me I don't deserve it or someone else needs it "more" or I must have become successful by stepping on someone else's back. If a society rewards success fairly and doesn't put up borders to becoming successful, people will find ways to take care of themselves. Socialism does not do this. It tells you "give us all you have and we will redistribute it according to our plans".
Heh heh, yeah; I kinda gave up on this place too...This board kinda creeps me out, though... I havent been posting on RDO either, but its a lot more active there, and there you dont have to worry about people deleting your posts or threads or whatever. ...In all honesty, I dont see great things in the future of this board, and even smugmug is beginning to feel a little stale... it has the stiff and sharp aroma of capitalism lingering around it... I dont pay too much attention to it, but I know why this place exists nonetheless...
As I read your comments above, each and every one of them came off as negative to me. Then someone posted "am I the only one who likes it here", or something to that effect. So I posted my opinon, which is 99% positive. I disagreed with you.
I ended by saying that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and they can visit or not as they see fit. At least that was my intent; obviously you saw it otherwise. I'm not exactly sure how you leapt to using terms like "witch hunt". If I indeed had a "nonchalant willingness to ostracize" you, I would have said "Hey Dewr, if you hate it so much then why don't you leave?" I didn't, and wouldn't, say such a thing. I hope you and others stay, contribute, comment and critique. And together we can all see what this place turns into.
I disagreed with your opinion, I didn't slam you. When someone disagrees with my opinion, I don't take it personally. I wish you wouldn't either.
Hi everyone.. Hi Ginger!! I'm still here only I'm nursing a sore throat with me snuggy on the couch and a bean burrito (only thing I fancied eating) I'll be back to harrass everyone soon.. I have NOT desterted the ship and nor will I. Dgrin is a wonderful place on the planet.. very rare and very friendly (most of the time ). There will always be a "natural flow" in the way it works I do believe.. time of year, job pressures, sore throats etc all have an impact.. there will be highs, and lows.. as in all groups... cough cough..
I'm going for a hot toddy...sniff
love you guys... very corny and old fashioned and prudish yes.. I mean it, you guys, the ones that I "virtually know" are great folks.. kind, respectful and helpful in so many ways. I"m not that sick but.....
I'm going back on the couch...............:sick :snore
p.s. I desperately want to go out in the dark and shoot but my body won't let me....
Hi everyone.. Hi Ginger!! I'm still here only I'm nursing a sore throat with me snuggy on the couch and a bean burrito (only thing I fancied eating) I'll be back to harrass everyone soon.. I have NOT desterted the ship and nor will I. Dgrin is a wonderful place on the planet.. very rare and very friendly (most of the time ). There will always be a "natural flow" in the way it works I do believe.. time of year, job pressures, sore throats etc all have an impact.. there will be highs, and lows.. as in all groups... cough cough..
I'm going for a hot toddy...sniff
love you guys... very corny and old fashioned and prudish yes.. I mean it, you guys, the ones that I "virtually know" are great folks.. kind, respectful and helpful in so many ways. I"m not that sick but.....
I'm going back on the couch...............:sick :snore
p.s. I desperately want to go out in the dark and shoot but my body won't let me....
Hi, Lynn. One, where did you get those wonderful emoticons. Two, why did you turn all the lights off when you got back to the couch?
Three, I hope you feel better, much better, soon. Thanks for coming on.
ginger (just counting the chickens, I guess.:D ) I must feel safer when I know all my chickens are safe!
What he (I forgot who) stated was simple and factual: its a free web. Different places cater to different people and needs. There is no conspiracy here, nobody is trying to ostracize you. I'm wondering if you have a persecution complex. Nobody is persecuting you or telling you to leave. It was a simple statement of fact, nothing else. Get over it.
So instead of answering my question you rebut back to my another question? Oh well...
What don't I like about communism? Jeez, where have you seen it succeed? Poor standards of living, no inovation, and a mind-set that says "don't care for yourself, let the government do it for you".
What don't I like about socialism? At least that's a question not easily answered. Fundamentally I believe in taking care of myself, and everyone else doing likewise. We are adults. Don't depend on government to care for you, be an adult and do it yourself. I don't believe in wealth distribution. If I earn something, let me keep it as reward, don't tell me I don't deserve it or someone else needs it "more" or I must have become successful by stepping on someone else's back. If a society rewards success fairly and doesn't put up borders to becoming successful, people will find ways to take care of themselves. Socialism does not do this. It tells you "give us all you have and we will redistribute it according to our plans".
Your turn. What do you not like about capitalism?
OMG DGRIN JUST ATE MY WHOLE POST--AGAIN. What is up with this site? Thats happened twice now; hit preview post (by accident--used to 'submit' being on the right side), and the whole thing dissapears?! Everything I wrote, gone! Bloody hell... Ill get back to you all then...
And why isnt there a hierarchy of past quotations in the most recent qutation?! Its ommiting previous quotations, and the markup language has extra characters in it. WTF?!
Im gonna go eat my burger then...
And why isnt there a hierarchy of past quotations in the most recent qutation?! Its ommiting previous quotations, and the markup language has extra characters in it.
It's quite frustrating indeed. This has happened to me many times in the past on many sites. As a rule of thumb, I now tend to do CTRL+A, CTRL+C real quick every so often when I write long posts. I read somewhere that this can happen if your browser's temporary files/cache is large. Try clearing out the files to see if it helps.
Canon Digital Rebel | Canon EOS 35mm | Yashica Electro GSN | Fed5B | Holga 35 MF
Hi, Lynn. One, where did you get those wonderful emoticons. Two, why did you turn all the lights off when you got back to the couch?
Three, I hope you feel better, much better, soon. Thanks for coming on.
ginger (just counting the chickens, I guess.:D ) I must feel safer when I know all my chickens are safe!
Hi Ginger, thanks for the thoughts re the emoticons. Underneath the usual ones you use is a very very feint [more] in brackets (put ya really strong glasses on, I had to) and it will open up a whole huge page of wonderful little guys.
p.s. I'm much much better today and hope to get some shots this weekend
Me, too. I dig it. The vibes here are great and although it's been semi-quiet, I'll keep stoppin' by. I may even enter a few challenges once I work up the nerve.
Once you work up the nerve? Didn't I see you over at dpchallenge? Tons tougher, tighter editing rules and time frames...
I really like it here, and love my smugmug account too. Just don't have time to shoot much right now, after entering several challenges.
Once you work up the nerve? Didn't I see you over at dpchallenge? Tons tougher, tighter editing rules and time frames...
I really like it here, and love my smugmug account too. Just don't have time to shoot much right now, after entering several challenges.
This is true. I do compete at DPC, but it's soooo impersonal over there. Very mechanical indeed. Over here it's like being in front of a class of 20. At DPC it's like watching a crowd on TV. But I promise to enter. I'll be doing some nightshots tomorrow.
Canon Digital Rebel | Canon EOS 35mm | Yashica Electro GSN | Fed5B | Holga 35 MF
I've enjoyed my time here at dgrin. I've enjoyed other people's work and perspective as a nice break from my own. I posted some pictures, and even one for the after dark challenge. I've found this to be a place I come to just relax. I've been taking pictures for 30 years, and have followed the same pattern. I have times when my creativity is high and every shot is good. Others when I'm at least thankful now for the delete button on the digital. I suppose I haven't had any expectations from this site so it's yet to let me down. And Dewr, you are a bit paranoid.:D
Well this is my first post but I'll say that I like it here. I was reading periodically anyway and the challenges look interesting so I thought I might as well join and enter one later on. I am an admin at another board where we cuss, post porn, set up races occasionally, and all sorts of fun like that. It gets kind of old sometimes though. I like this board because it seems the opposite of that and I prefer a smaller community at times. Oh well. :shrug: <--- Points out the need for more smileys.
Hopefully I can learn more hear or atleast get inspired some. :shrug: <--- Usually my favorite smiley. :cry
I enjoy this site, it has people with personalities, it's a small group of regular posters that you get to understand even without the emoticons. You can read anything from absolute beginner questions to professional posts with no differentiation in the tone of the replies. Few posts are dissed and only when taken badly by the one who posted. It's a photo site not a chat room, there are plenty of those, and VERY few like this
PS I look at this site when I finish work. It's now 00.45 here so I have no time to take pics and little time to post.
PPS I preferred the critiques thread in one thread but with a stipulation of a max pic size of say 75kb or less. save the quality for the challenge.
what, specifically don't you like? what's missing or changed? please elaborate.
i'm enjoying dgrin more than ever.
keep in mind, online fora evolve - and go thru changes all the time.
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I know it's been very quiet around here lately. Not nearly as much chatter as there was a while back. I guess everyone is busy working or out of town. There's not many people posting shots for this challenge. Certainly not me. I may not get anything good at all. But, I keep checking in to see how you're doing. I've been working today.
A few people have been trying to get some night shots. Bravo, for them! It's not easy to get out at night or at 4 am. I liked the shots of the train station taken with a P&S. Forgot who did it. Pathfinder? You may just get something good with your ELF. Who knows? But, don't go out in a storm, OK?
Stick with Shem Creek for now.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
This board kinda creeps me out, though... I havent been posting on RDO either, but its a lot more active there, and there you dont have to worry about people deleting your posts or threads or whatever. The most they can/will do is lock a thread, so it lets us explore our upper limits of rowdiness/appropiateness without things just dissapearing.
In all honesty, I dont see great things in the future of this board, and even smugmug is beginning to feel a little stale... I like my account, but Im no artist or fancy-pants profiteering entrepreneur, so I dont know how much good it does me anyway... The other thing that kinda bothers me about this whole scene is that it has the stiff and sharp aroma of capitalism lingering around it... I dont pay too much attention to it, but I know why this place exists nonetheless...
Anywho, Ms. Ginger, if you decide to start up a marine aquarium that happens to contain a live coral or two, youre obviously welcome over at (RDO), and theres a section there regarding the photographing of tanks, species, and off topic-stuff too.... Just dont tell them I sent you; Im a cast-away wherever I go it seems!
Am I the only person to pipe up and say he likes it here? I hear about new products, hear about techniques, get critiques, see other people's work, learn and grow. So I don't participate in the challenge, big deal. There is more to this board than just the challenge.
I'll never understand what people's gripes about capitalism is.
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I like looking at the pictures other people post. I like seeing what people have to say about mine.
I like the fact that smugmug and dgrin both listen to what the users have to say about making it more user friendly for the purpose they want to use it for.
Some members use it to share their photos with friends and family, some use it to sell thier art, some use it as an online proof set, some use it for all three and I am sure there are other reason I haven't even thought of. The fact that they listen to what you use it for and try to make it work better for you is something you dont get most places you go. Thats excellent customer service.
For the most part this is as friendly a place as you are likely to find.
Even the challenges here are better than most contests in some ways. Most contests, you enter, and then you see the winners. Thats it.
Here you see what the judges thought about when they judged them. (except for challenge 20)
I think if you really look at it, this place can be as fun as it ever was.
I for one intend to stick around.
I don't care that "wide angle" doesn't get posted to very much. There are enough other places to go spout off opinions on politics or whatever. This place is for photography, that's what it does best. If you want to swear and rant and rave about something, go to the bike site, it's "curiously strong".
And so what if Baldy started Smugmug to make money? I defy you to find a site with better customer service. Baldy and Onethumb and the rest are working their butts off and are constantly upgrading their site, which has already won major awards, by the way. They could sit back and do nothing and make money, but they won't.
It's a free web, if you don't like it here that's fine. Me? I like it here.
I enjoy the friendliness. As for the milquetoast approach, Dewr, there is a good reason for that: members from all walks of life, all age groups and all sensibilities are joining as a result of smugmug. We have to be aware of their sensitivites.... and yes indeed, we don't want to harm smugmug by offensive behavior. I can live with that - there are plenty of boards with rowdy behavior, it's not hard to find them. I enjoy the refuge here. And despite all that, we still have a rough-edged personality or two.
Ginger, perhaps you should take a vacation from the board for a week or two - the break will rejuvenate you. The amount of energy you pour into your posts can burn you out - maybe that's what has happened?
I like the people here, and enjoy interacting with them - when I have the time!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I also love my Smugmug site. I use my smugmug site to share pictures with my family. I have a big family and they are spread all over. So, Smugmug is great for me. I can order prints and my family can order prints too. That's wonderful. And, how can any site survive if it doesn't make some money? The web is wonderful, but it can't survive without advertising to make money. Do you see advertising here?
I found this site through Smugmug. I visited a bunch of times before joining. I joined to learn. I have learned so much in just a few months. I have learned about photoshop through the tutorials given here. And, I have learned soooo much about taking pictures. I want to be a better photographer, not just a photoshopper. Andy and the other moderators are great, but the members are great too. I have learned a lot from the members here.
I can enter photo contests in lots of places. But, just entering and then seeing the winner is no fun. And, not much learning, either. Watching how people improve their shots with the help of others is invaluable.
Ginger likes it here too. I know she does. She is just missing you all. Where have you been? I know Andy has been under the weather, but how about everybody else? We need you all!!
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Nonchalant willingness to ostrasize. I'd forgotten about that one.
Wow. How has everything managed to become so much like our politics these days in the way of bare-knuckle polarization? Has the witch hunt surpassed mild critics and moved on to casual opinion statements? I never said anything about not liking this website, but I notice you, whoever you are and whatever your style, made the mental leap to a conclusion that obviously stems from affiliative methodology. Why? Interesting sociological microcosm this place is, for sure.
What dont I like about capitalism? A fair rebuttle would be what dont you like about socialism or communism, Mr. mercphoto? Infact, it would probably suffice to answer my question out of sheer introspection alone...
Once again people, if you want to ostrasize me, at least wait until I say something truly objectionable, not just something you find a way to object to. If this board is a friendly as every says it is, it shouldnt be hard to accept such a common courtesy. Im not the bad guy because I said what I thought, but dont get ahead of yourselves; there will plenty of other chances to hate me if I find the time to grant this site some traffic.
I have refrained from answering anything, as I don't want to give anyone something they can argue with.
I do miss everyone, I have just spent an hour or so going over things, reading things, commenting a little.
But to suggest that I am burned out from the photography......
Maybe you are trying to help, but I am floored.
I have taken a break from tennis for several reasons.
Then everyone here just kind of disappeared. Andy posted what his problem was, but I had/still have no idea where some went.
I was going along with the changes quietly, I thought. Then I was suddenly the only one posting to the extent that I tried hard not to post so that my name wouldn't show up as the last person posting on a thread. I thought maybe that was turning people off.
Then my camera broke, we have sent it off for repairs. But that was a big blow as it is kind of an enforced break, though I do have a Canon Elph. But I have put a lot of our resources into things like CS and a tripod, bigger memory card, none of which I need if I don't have my Rebel.
I worked on finishing a photo for the challenge. Maybe it is my imagination, but it almost seemed to be rote with the moderators to check the threads and make comments, a compliment first, then a comment on what could/should be done to make a photo better. But the first part, the compliment is what made it easier to swallow the criticism.
Suddenly I am working in a way totally foreign to me, at night, with a tripod and shutter release, I forge ahead, post and post, Snappy is always there for me and a few other people made a few comments, but nothing like in the past. I felt like I was floundering. Then when Andy said I should shoot at 100 ISO, and a tripod, when I had used a tripod, had asked for specifics and had a broken camera, no longer in our state, I was crushed. I would be out reshooting tonight, if I had the camera, but I can't, so it is like having a paper due, the professor telling you that you need to type it, and you have no access to a typewriter (and I am showing my age with a reference to a typewriter). OK, I am too sensitive.............. I am a lot of bad things. But I am also some good things.
I am just missing what used to be, the support. As you say, you have been busy. Everyone seems to have been busy at once.
I don't need to shoot less, I need to shoot more, and I would like, can't demand, probably won't get, more positive interaction from the people I am used to here. Some people did come on last night to give me some positive comments, I should thank them. But I miss the other people, the moderators, you, Sid, Lynn, Rutt, everyone who is busy, people I considered my friends, Gubbs. And I am sure I am missing someone.
Andy would be one, but I do know where and what is happening with him, I wish it weren't, I wish all his root canals were over, as I am sure he does. Once he realized I was upset last night he came on and said some positive and some constructive criticism about how shooting at a lower ISO in the future would help. I appreciated that.
Now, you are saying I should take a break. Are you projecting, or would you like me to take a break?
I thought I was doing something positive by continuing to enter the Challenges, continuing to shoot and try to do my best. I was devastated about my camera, but it is under warranty, I could use none of the manual settings, I would be an idiot not to send it in. Now that causes a new kind of empty nest syndrome, so to speak.
And to those who don't enter the Challenges, especially the person who said he needed to get his nerve up, well if you don't put yourself out there, maybe you can just guess at how you would feel at being critiqued when you could do nothing to make things better. Especially when there was nothing positive said. When/if things go back to normal, I would suggest that you put yourself out there, the criticism is usually cushioned by positive things in the photographs, we all have those. I call it the ugly baby syndrome. However with the baby you don't mention the bad things, they will either go away, or nothing can be done anyway.
I miss the ugly baby phrases translated into photography critiques, almost a trained thing the sales people, of which Andy is one, do so well. Mention a good thing, then attack the meat of something.
Maybe I should feel complimented that people no longer feel the need to do that with me. But I am sensitive..............
However, dgrin is like my family, I am not going anywhere. I don't have to be happy with it all the time, but it is where I "live", so to speak. I used to like it, I was having a bad evening, I miss some of the people. I need to shoot, well, and work the photos up and post. I need that like an addiction.
I hate the coldness of FM, I don't know any other friendly groups as this one has been. This has had a casualness that fit with me. I do like it, I am just missing some of it. I am not going anywhere, and I don't know how to make it my home page.
I have, in addition to AOL, I have Comcast, that could be made into this as my home page. I don't know how to do that. In addition I don't know how to make links, I think getting here and there, smugmug to here and back is more work for me than it is for some. Anyone who can explain how this stuff is done, I would appreciate it.
ginger (Thanks, Snappy, as always. You are not just good people, you are great people)
Yeah, I dont object to the reason this site seems almost prudish, nor do I really object to the method. I guess where I fell short was in illustrating how the problem isnt with the board or its methods/policies, its just with me. We can choose our company and how we express ourselves, but not always where, and I accpet that as being a totem of the online world. In this case, it pretty much makes sense to administrate the board the way it has been (although I really do question the amount of 11-year olds and whatnot that paruse this forum; doesnt seem to connect to me...), and I have no problem with that. All I was saying is thats what kinda made me leave, and although I cannot speak for others, who's to say it hasnt affected the way people look at this board, atmosphere aside? It makes no difference to one seeking the kind of company that is unabashed or informal or even plain outrageous, and thats kinda all I was saying...
Anyway, have a good day! I gotta study for the anthro exam in a few hours...
Welcome to the art world; a curious and frustrating (to me atleast) blend of objectivity and subjectivity!
I think you may have mis-interpreted wxwaxy there; I heard what he was saying, but only because Ive tasted the different flavors of webspeak by now... Im guessing what he was trying to say was that you dont need to take a break from shooting, but merely a break from this board or all things web-oriented...? Its happened to me; Ive had to do the same thing. The way people work on these sorts of boards--Ive found out--they are not trying to banish you or are tired of hearing you; taking a break from this or any other board is in no way negative!
Well, in any case Ms. Ginger, have a great day, and I hope things become clearer; I tried, but I probably made things worse...
What he (I forgot who) stated was simple and factual: its a free web. Different places cater to different people and needs. There is no conspiracy here, nobody is trying to ostracize you. I'm wondering if you have a persecution complex. Nobody is persecuting you or telling you to leave. It was a simple statement of fact, nothing else. Get over it.
So instead of answering my question you rebut back to my another question? Oh well...
What don't I like about communism? Jeez, where have you seen it succeed? Poor standards of living, no inovation, and a mind-set that says "don't care for yourself, let the government do it for you".
What don't I like about socialism? At least that's a question not easily answered. Fundamentally I believe in taking care of myself, and everyone else doing likewise. We are adults. Don't depend on government to care for you, be an adult and do it yourself. I don't believe in wealth distribution. If I earn something, let me keep it as reward, don't tell me I don't deserve it or someone else needs it "more" or I must have become successful by stepping on someone else's back. If a society rewards success fairly and doesn't put up borders to becoming successful, people will find ways to take care of themselves. Socialism does not do this. It tells you "give us all you have and we will redistribute it according to our plans".
Your turn. What do you not like about capitalism?
A former sports shooter
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As I read your comments above, each and every one of them came off as negative to me. Then someone posted "am I the only one who likes it here", or something to that effect. So I posted my opinon, which is 99% positive. I disagreed with you.
I ended by saying that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and they can visit or not as they see fit. At least that was my intent; obviously you saw it otherwise. I'm not exactly sure how you leapt to using terms like "witch hunt". If I indeed had a "nonchalant willingness to ostracize" you, I would have said "Hey Dewr, if you hate it so much then why don't you leave?" I didn't, and wouldn't, say such a thing. I hope you and others stay, contribute, comment and critique. And together we can all see what this place turns into.
I disagreed with your opinion, I didn't slam you. When someone disagrees with my opinion, I don't take it personally. I wish you wouldn't either.
Only bit of text you've written that's worth reading....that's funny
Oh yes, it's a quote
I'm going for a hot toddy...sniff
love you guys... very corny and old fashioned and prudish yes.. I mean it, you guys, the ones that I "virtually know" are great folks.. kind, respectful and helpful in so many ways. I"m not that sick but.....
I'm going back on the couch...............:sick :snore
p.s. I desperately want to go out in the dark and shoot but my body won't let me....
Three, I hope you feel better, much better, soon. Thanks for coming on.
ginger (just counting the chickens, I guess.:D ) I must feel safer when I know all my chickens are safe!
Being rude and tough behind the keyboard ain't my thing and I'm not partial to reading it ether.
But you can be honest, even if it's not what someone wants to hear, as long as the comment is intended to help.
And why isnt there a hierarchy of past quotations in the most recent qutation?! Its ommiting previous quotations, and the markup language has extra characters in it. WTF?!
Im gonna go eat my burger then...
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p.s. I'm much much better today and hope to get some shots this weekend
Once you work up the nerve? Didn't I see you over at dpchallenge? Tons tougher, tighter editing rules and time frames...
I really like it here, and love my smugmug account too. Just don't have time to shoot much right now, after entering several challenges.
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Regards, Eric
Hopefully I can learn more hear or atleast get inspired some. :shrug: <--- Usually my favorite smiley. :cry
PS I look at this site when I finish work. It's now 00.45 here so I have no time to take pics and little time to post.
PPS I preferred the critiques thread in one thread but with a stipulation of a max pic size of say 75kb or less. save the quality for the challenge.