Hotel de L'Europe - Amsterdam

This might be the nicest hotel in which I've stayed, or at least that I can recall. From warm welcomes at the door to heated marble floors in the bathrooms, we lived it up good for 2 nights. I got some daytime shots with boat traffic on the canal, but when the sky finally went dark, well after midnight, the true beauty of the place came out.
You'll notice that the buildings in the distance appear to be very crooked in this image. That's because they are! I don't know if anyone in Amsterdam owns a level, but the buildings have been there longer than the U.S. has been a nation, so I'm betting levels are overrated at this point.
That's quite a place....and nicely photographed. How'd you like the food in Amsterdam?
Hehe, after a couple coffee shop visits, all the food was delicious...
Ok, but for real, I rather enjoyed most of it. It was interesting to see the pancake culture, and their take on American style pancakes. Kroquetten was the bomb diggity, and I tried a few different types of that.
Very pretty and another superb blue hour exposure! Only issue is the top half doesn't have same amount of light as bottom (not your fault), but kind of makes it tale of two halves.....cheers!
Beautiful image! I stayed here in 1978...old world charm to say the least. Your description made me happy... the service and the charm hasn't changed. Fantastic stay in AMS.
Love how you captured the elegance of this wonderful building.
El Gato