Move gallery to different folder - URL problem

DeeRichDeeRich Registered Users Posts: 76 Big grins

I have two major folders on my site. I want to move an entire gallery from one folder to the other. Tried it and ended up with a mess.
Question: How and where do I change the URL on the gallery I want to move to the OTHER folder.


  • DeeRichDeeRich Registered Users Posts: 76 Big grins

    I have two major folders on my site. I want to move an entire gallery from one folder to the other. Tried it and ended up with a mess.
    Question: How and where do I change the URL on the gallery I want to move to the OTHER folder.

  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited July 27, 2019

    Go into Organizer
    In the left tree find and click to highlight the folder containing the gallery you want to move.
    Expand folders by clicking in the chevrons (>) to find the "move to" folder.
    You should now see both folders, "move from" and "move to".
    Re-click to highlight "move from" folder. All the galleries, pages and sub-folders in that folder will show on the right.
    In the right panel click to highlight the gallery to be moved.

    You'll grab that highlighted gallery on the right with the mouse and drag it to it's new folder in the left tree.
    The new folder on the left will highlight. When it does let go/drop.

    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
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