Keeled Skimmer Orthetrum coerulescens
in Holy Macro
This is an immature male. There are many dragons with this colouration but I think the broad black shapes on the abdomen identify this one. The abdomen looks broader than it really is due to the foreshortening of the long lens.
As is often the case with Skimmers, this flew ahead of me, down the winding path between waist-high heather , etc.,, landing on the stony ground every so often, too far ahead of me to get it filling the fame to my satisfaction. The image is cropped by ca 70% but the left wing tips were never in the frame.
The crosseye stereo doesn't do much to help but it lifts it slightly above the substrate.
Olympus EM-1 (aperture priority), Panasonic 100 - 400mm Leica DG Vario-Elmar at 400mm 1/164 at f9.