Four-spotted Chaser Libelulla quadrimaculata Males
in Holy Macro
When mature, the females are rather similar to the males. The perching behaviour and the divergent genital appendices make these males. The amber basal veins of the wings are specific.
The species is easily recognisable by its four “spots”, two on each forewing. One is the normal pterostigma near the tip of the wing and the other is a similar mark at the “node”, on the front edge of the wing
These were at the stream on Decoy Heath Nature Reserve on 25 July.
Olympus EM-1 (aperture priority), Panasonic 100 - 400mm Leica DG Vario-Elmar at 400mm and at ff8 (first two) or f13, hand held.
The stereo is crosseye.
Good ones Harold
Brian V.
Thanks, Brian.