New Lightbox Zoom Past Maximum Photo Size



  • Hikin' MikeHikin' Mike Registered Users Posts: 5,490 Major grins

    @blouie said:
    For me, yours works the same as mine. And I still get the reload. Do you get the reload too?

    I don't understand about the reload. I'm not seeing any issues, but I'm using a "small" 1920 x 1080 monitor using Win7.

  • blouieblouie Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins

    What I mean about the reload are these steps:

    On my gallery page, I click a thumbnail. That opens the image in Lightbox.
    In Lightbox, I click anywhere in the image. That causes the image to disappear and then reappear (the image unnecessarily reloads).
    In Lightbox, I click 'X' to return to the gallery page.
    On my gallery page, I click the thumbnail again. That opens the image again in Lightbox.
    In Lightbox, I click in the image again. This time, the image does not reload.

    So, to see whether it is happening for you too, you would just click in the image in Lightbox. If nothing happens, then good, the reload is not happening for you; but then I wonder why it is happening for me.

  • Hikin' MikeHikin' Mike Registered Users Posts: 5,490 Major grins

    @blouie said:
    What I mean about the reload are these steps:

    On my gallery page, I click a thumbnail. That opens the image in Lightbox.
    In Lightbox, I click anywhere in the image. That causes the image to disappear and then reappear (the image unnecessarily reloads).
    In Lightbox, I click 'X' to return to the gallery page.
    On my gallery page, I click the thumbnail again. That opens the image again in Lightbox.
    In Lightbox, I click in the image again. This time, the image does not reload.

    So, to see whether it is happening for you too, you would just click in the image in Lightbox. If nothing happens, then good, the reload is not happening for you; but then I wonder why it is happening for me.

    I thought so. I don't see any reloading. I checked it in both FF and Chrome.

  • blouieblouie Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins

    Thanks for checking it out.

    I have Maximum Display Size.

    Windows 10.

    27" 2.5k display

    • Chrome - reloads

    • Firefox - disappears and does not reload, but if I click again (now it's blank background) then image does come back

    • Edge - disappears and does not reload, but if I click again (now it's blank background) then image does come back

    So this is no good. SmugMug plainly needs to allow disabling the zoom - period.

  • blouieblouie Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins

    More bad behavior:

    Edge. I click in the image in Lightbox, then it disappears, then I click again, and it reappears but now in an ugly over-sharpened version.

  • blouieblouie Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins

    So, in Edge, clicking back and forth on the image itself in Lightbox, results in toggle back and forth between correct rendering of the image and an oversharpened rendering of the image.

  • leftquarkleftquark Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,785 Many Grins

    For owners, the brief reload when you zoom (click on the photo) is the original photo being loaded for you as the owner. We’re not applying any additional sharpening — just displaying the pixels you uploaded.

    For visitors we never load an image larger than the Max Display Size. If the photo displayed on the screen is already the Max Display Size we wanted to offer some ability to zoom, so we take the pixels and zoom in on them a bit. Based on the feedback from dgrin, the help desk, and other discussions, we’ll be disabling the extra zoom. If a photo is displayed in the Lightbox already at its max display size, then zooming will automatically be disabled. We’ll be implementing this change within the next few weeks.

    dGrin Afficionado
    Former SmugMug Product Team
    aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
    My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
  • JtringJtring Registered Users Posts: 679 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2019

    @blouie said:
    Below is how I pieced it together. It seems to work: It turns cursor back to arrow, and doesn't zoom (at least not on my 27" 2.5k display - maybe won't work when I look at smaller displays?).

    But one small problem is that clicking causes the image to uselessly reload (but not zoomed). If I could just stop the image from reloading at all, so that clicking would do absolutely nothing.

    /* Turn off the zoom if it would result in upscale./
    .sm-position-relative > div {
    Replace the zoom-in cursor icon with the pointing hand icon*/
    .sm-position-relative > div {
    cursor:default !important;

    Since I wrote the original patch, let me respond. The code above will indeed avoid zooming in all cases, in the sense that it makes the zoomed image be at the original scale so both look the same. That achieves the function of not having a zoomed image, but @blouie is quite correct to notice there is still something going on. You indeed are reloading the image between the original state and the zoom-to-the-same size state. And the image reloads again when you click to go back to the original state. Depending on the speed of your display and your internet connection, those reloads may or may not be visible. With caching, they may become totally invisible as you cycle through. But there is a reload going on at each step. It will take a change on SmugMug's part, not user CSS add-on, to do any differently. (And just to be clear, I'm just another user, not a part of the Smugmug design team.)

    As I noted when I first offered this, the patch here strikes me as rather fragile code. A change in what SmugMug does could break it. It's meant a short term thing to try.

    As for the cursor, if you replace the word "default" with "pointer" you stay with the index-finger version of the cursor.

    Jim Ringland . . . . .
  • JtringJtring Registered Users Posts: 679 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2019

    A little addition to my earlier note after reading @leftquark 's comment: Exactly what happens in the reload after zooming, even with the scale set to 1 using my hack, depends on circumstances. There can be cases where a display copy is replaced by an original or a different display copy, even if the net zoom stays the same. Downloading a new image can certain add a brief pause that makes it very clear a reload is going on.

    And I look forward to seeing how Smugmug is going adjust the zoom function. (Of course, you could just restore the sizes button ...)

    Jim Ringland . . . . .
  • blouieblouie Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins

    I'm very relieved that the zoom will be disabled for Maximum Display Size. I wish it would happen as soon as possible; immediately would be right. I get that certain users wanted different zoom options, but I can't understand why SmugMug would think it would be okay for all users to be forced to have such an ugly "feature" that presents visitors with a function to zoom into cropped versions or the photos. I am very sorry to say this, but this makes me wonder whether SmugMug even has a basic understanding and appreciation of the aesthetics of photographic presentation. Another poster above in this thread mentioned how this zoom goes against the very purpose of the artistic presentation of the photographic work. I hope that, going forward, SmugMug will not again alter my site in other radical ways without first giving me an option to decline the "feature".


    Regarding the present discussion:

    I get the reload whether I am logged in as myself or logged out as a visitor.


    Thank you, Jtring for the CSS and for your notes about it.


    For me, there is an even more fundamental issue involved. I would not even use the Lightbox, if SmugMug allowed me to set up my site so that visitors could click back and forth directly between my Slideshow page and my Gallery Thumbnails page, which is the simple, elegant, and utterly basic way it should work. As it is now, visitors look at my Slideshow and can then look at my Thumbnails, but then when the visitor clicks on a thumbnail, the visitor doesn't go back to my Slideshow (as it should work) but instead is diverted to the Lightbox. So I have to allow the Lightbox, since I do want visitors to be able to click on thumbnails to see the images again in larger size; but properly it should be back to the Slideshow, and not to the Lightbox.

  • leftquarkleftquark Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,785 Many Grins

    @blouie said:
    I'm very relieved that the zoom will be disabled for Maximum Display Size. I wish it would happen as soon as possible; immediately would be right.

    We're working as fast as we can -- we have a small team and we want to add captions back to the photos/slideshows first. Once that's live, we'll move onto improving Zoom.

    @blouie said:
    I get that certain users wanted different zoom options, but I can't understand why SmugMug would think it would be okay for all users to be forced to have such an ugly "feature" that presents visitors with a function to zoom into cropped versions or the photos. I am very sorry to say this, but this makes me wonder whether SmugMug even has a basic understanding and appreciation of the aesthetics of photographic presentation.

    That decision came from me, and me alone. As a landscape photographer who cares greatly about my photos, I have a similar stake in the game as all of you.

    The zoom functionality and its features came directly from listening to feedback from all of you, and combining it with an understanding of your visitors. It's very easy as photographers to not think about the experience our viewers will receive but here at SmugMug we think about not only you, but your customers, since they're important to you. The zoom functionality came because you (SmugMug photographers) told us your desire was to allow your viewers to zoom on the photo, but we saw many of your settings prevented that from happening. The digital zoom was added to ensure your desired outcome ("my visitors should be able to enjoy a particular part of the photo") could be realized. Without it, that wasn't possible.

    Now that the feature has been launched we're hearing additional input on that original feedback. And we're making improvements based on that.

    dGrin Afficionado
    Former SmugMug Product Team
    aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
    My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
  • CaoimhinCaoimhin Registered Users Posts: 26 Big grins

    .> @leftquark said:

    The zoom functionality and its features came directly from listening to feedback from all of you, and combining it with an understanding of your visitors. It's very easy as photographers to not think about the experience our viewers will receive but here at SmugMug we think about not only you, but your customers, since they're important to you. The zoom functionality came because you (SmugMug photographers) told us your desire was to allow your viewers to zoom on the photo, but we saw many of your settings prevented that from happening. The digital zoom was added to ensure your desired outcome ("my visitors should be able to enjoy a particular part of the photo") could be realized. Without it, that wasn't possible.

    Now that the feature has been launched we're hearing additional input on that original feedback. And we're making improvements based on that.

    My previously stated disapproval of the zoom feature is directly tied to my thoughts regarding the experience of my viewers. A photographer/artist should retain the ability to control exactly how their work is displayed. This is essential to any photographer/artist. IMO, the zoom feature detracts from how I want my work to be displayed, viewed and perceived. I understand some will welcome it, some will not, and some will not care. Mark me down as one who cares and requests that it be an optional feature subject to owner discretion. Thank You.

  • JSS44JSS44 Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins

    For the record, I would like to be disable the zoom feature, too.

  • coro085coro085 Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins

    OK to zoom
    One click and the image enlarges to the original size.
    Size that I decide: 1000x2000 2000x3000, for example.
    Only and directly to Original Size as a previous version.
    Regardless of the screen, PC or Tablet or SmartPhone.

  • kygardenkygarden Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited September 9, 2019

    I complained about this too and was told (on Aug 25 when I raised the issue with support via email) ...I was told this is normal and the way it should work. I felt like I was beating my head against the wall trying to explain as simply as possible that I had the max size set to X3 but it was zooming in WAY past that and the images look like cr@p. No joy. That's just how it works.

    Fast forward to today (Sept 9) and magically, this is fixed. If I click the image with the little magnifying glass is visible which indicates I can zoom in more, the image only zooms in to the max size I restricted that gallery too. So, thanks for fixing it. But next time, please don't tell me that's how it's supposed to work and all is good...but it wasn't. It was horrible and very disappointing. I've been a paying customer for many years now and that really irritated me.

    Ah, I see someone from smugmug already replied about this on Aug 24 and confirmed it was going to be fixed and indeed it is. That was an extremely frustrating and disappointing 'feature' but I'd rather call it a bug because it didn't work at all like you'd expect (don't zoom past the max allowed display size).

  • blouieblouie Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins

    But it's not actually fixed yet. When you disable zoom with CSS, it still allows clicking on the image and the image then reloads at the same size (and in Edge, it reloads with bizarre over-sharpening). If zoom is disabled, then there should be no action whatsoever on click. It seems we are still waiting for this to be resolved.

  • coro085coro085 Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins
    edited September 10, 2019


  • blouieblouie Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins
    1. I find now that the problem with changed sharpening (or whatever it is) is not just in Edge. I see that in Chrome (probably other browsers too), with zoom disabled, clicking does change the sharpening (or whatever it is) of the image slightly (you have to look carefully to see it, bu it definitely is there) and then clicking again toggles it back.

    2. In Safari on mobile, pinching outwards to enlarge has the reverse effect - it causes the image to be less sharp, actually fairly blurry. Then pinching back inwards restores to correct sharpness.

    This is clearly errant and against the artistic and professional intention of displaying photographs to look their best and not be subject to errant vagaries.

    What is the timetable for SmugMug to fix this? Please fix this so that, when zoom is disabled, there is no action whatsoever on clicking or pinching the image - just the way it was before this botched zoom thing was imposed.

  • leftquarkleftquark Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,785 Many Grins
    edited September 24, 2019

    I'd recommend removing the CSS to "disable" zoom since it sounds like it's the culprit for your concerns. Zoom no longer displays larger than the Max Display Size. If you have one set lower than X4, most modern monitors will not fill the screen and zooming will be disabled by SmugMug.

    dGrin Afficionado
    Former SmugMug Product Team
    aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
    My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
  • blouieblouie Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins

    @leftquark said:
    lower than X4

    I don't want different displays to show the images at different percentage of the browser window. With the Max Size at Original, the image fills the entire browser window perfectly, no matter what the size of the display, and with Original, the resolution is always the best it can be for that display size.

    I don't think I should have to sacrifice that to avoid the bad side effects of disabling the unwanted, distracting zoom disaster.

  • coro085coro085 Registered Users Posts: 77 Big grins

    No! The zoom doesn't make me the quality I uploaded.
    The details are not there.
    On my screen Asus ProArt PA246Q the details there are all.
    Before, the photos were perfect with "Original Size"

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