Fog In The Low Country

f11, ISO400, 17mm,1/250, EV-0.33
It was very foggy this morning, I have never shot in the fog before, though I have wanted to, so I ran out of the house.............for a long morning.
I am just showing this photo tonight, Monday. It is my favorite, I think. It is certainly the most interesting to me. If someone else had done it, I would have thought they were a photographic genius. Me, I was just here and there taking photos at the Shem Creek dock. This photo was kind of an after thought with no intention, or visualization that the photo would look like it does.
I see it as a very surrealistic shot. The dock starts nowhere and goes nowhere, that is how it looks to me. I have to look carefully to see where the air ends and the water starts. I like it.
Comments are welcome. I did work it up with slightly bluer water, the skies were not blue most of the time, so I got what I got. I worked everything up in LAB, including this. In a few cases, this is one, I did a bit extra, but I am too tired to even remember. The majority of what you see is LAB in its simplist form.
Comments, you like, don't like, I like, I'm OK, you are OK, etc.
whatever you would like to tell me.
If not, well, I am really glad you stopped by. I will put more fog shots up tomorrow. Some birds in the fog and a couple of Kingfishers (birds).
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Harry doesn't like frames!
Just large annoying things with exif. I don't like bending to all who don't like frames, I didn't put a single frame on anything tonight, and it is all Harry's fault, actually.
Also, I not only shot 400 photos, I worked up three smugmug pages of photos. Am tired.
Thanks, though for stopping and commenting. And the nice words. Also they Yah vote for frames, smile.:D
i thought of you on sunday when i got stuck in the snow in the middle of nowhere, shooting barns. i went down an unplowed drive at an abandoned homestead and almost couldn't get out......
my stuff
Laurie, we really need a thread somewhere on "things I have done for my craft/art/profession............" Sorry about the snow thing, in retrospect these things are not bad, but at the time, don't know about you, but I was scared.
Now, today, I am going to have to be picky about the photos I actually do put in a fog thread here. As Andy says, never will I forget these words, you are known by your worst photograph. Well, I don't post the worst, hopefully, but I am tempted to post some pretty bad ones.
If I do that with the fog, I will try to explain that with the reason.
Last night I just wanted to know a bit of what I had, then I went from there. Drew the line at working up the Great Blue Herons who I also spent much time with in the foggy rainy day that was yesterday (Jan 23, 2006).
I did get what I worked up uploaded to smugmug and right off noticed two photos that are NOT my best by a long shot...........and more, too (but those really show the first I saw of the fog might bring one over here). The serious culling will begin!!
After the coffee,
Hi Ginger,
I like the boat in fog image - almost never have fog here in dry SW so the 'air of mystery' and implied quiet of fog is very appealing and comes thru in the shot.
One suggestion. Crop out some of the sky (and maybe some of the rigging) and (if you have it) add more of the reflection. I think the reflection part is more interesting and that could get the main subject off of vertical center.
I don't have more reflection. I know where I was, don't get more reflection there. In fact, one is lucky not to fall of the end of the dock, so to speak, or the gap, more precisely.
I use the 7.5 X 5 format pretty much as my standard. Almost changed that last night on another shot. You do have a point there Thomas, will think on it.
But you know, there are things I still don't understand re the photo, since I know the place so well, drives me nuts. There is not bridge in the distance...........don't know what that is. And, obviously the dock does continue and hook up................???? Just intriques me.
Haven't worked on sorting yet. Should do that before interest wanes. Am still on coffee and now watching The View.
ginger (That is the last dock I am "allowed" on. They are all private and very dangerous. Hoses, ropes, etc all over the place with water on both sides, or every side. Also, they are very old docks, so that is not a new design dock in the photo, it is a strange photo of an old dock that fell apart in the middle. Since it can be reached in another way that is acceptable. But it is so NOT apparent in the picture.)
Thanks for stopping and commenting, too,
Susan Appel Photography My Blog