Change Position of Title and Caption
I am a beginner user of Smugmug and at present just using the Default Collage Landscape option. I have too much to do to start designing a special website right now. If it's possible I want to change the situation with respect to visibility of a Title and Caption when someone clicks on a photo to view it. I want to be able to display the information to the left or the right of the image, automatically. I want to stop the info being laid over the image (which one can click and it then opens up in full on the left), or someone having to click the icon with lines on in order to read what has been written about the photo content. This is particularly relevant for historic photos which require some explanation which is the task I am working on at present. I have been advised to ask here in case someone could assist with writing a new CSS command to replace the existing one when using the Collage Landscape option for display. I may want to apply the change to all my galleries but for now am focused on achieving it for the historic photos (divided into about 7 galleries according to year) that I am working on, which exist inside a folder, inside another folder.