Gallery Slideshow No Longer Loops When Reaches the End

Ever since the new lightbox release, gallery slideshows no longer loop when they reach the end. The slideshow is just stuck on the last image in the gallery. I cannot find any slideshow setting for looping either. Is this an unintended side effect of the new lightbox release? Is there any workaround till it's fixed?
"She Was a Little Taste of Heaven – And a One-Way Ticket to Hell!" - Max Phillips
I can no longer rely on a gallery slideshow to play through all the photos repeatedly since it now stops on the last image in the gallery. The workaround is to create a new page, add the slide show content block onto the page, and select the desired gallery for the slideshow source. Turn on the Playback Auto Start setting and we're back in business.
There is a current bug that the Product team is aware of regarding the looping of images in certain Gallery styles. Your work around does help allow a slideshow to loop. Also using Journal or the SmugMug Gallery style the Gallery slideshow appears to work as intended looping the images in the Gallery.
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