Lookout Point, Harpswell Maine

in Landscapes
I have pulled out some more old shots to see your reactions. These were taken at sunset on Lookout Point on Harpswell Neck in Maine, in 2015 and 2016. It is one of my favorite places to shoot in that part of Maine. I have shot from multiple angles at high and low tide, and at sunrise and sunset. Here are a few of my favorites from there. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions, as I am thinking of printing one. Thanks, Lauren
Two islands - Do you prefer this one or the next one? The angles are just a bit different.
Two islands
One island
Two islands with more cloud cover
Lobster pound adjacent to the islands
First one is sweet Lauren. I would consider cloning out jet trail. Cheers.
Thanks! I will try to clone it out and repost to see what you think. I appreciate the input.
Lauren Blackwell
I enjoyed them all, but the first is my favorite. The composition, and those last vestiges of the sunset really make it a stand out for me.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Thanks, Phil. I appreciate your comments. Even without a camera it is a nice scene to take in!
Lauren Blackwell