Return to Sony (6 img)

Priviet, dear friends!
At last I finished with my Egypt photos (ooh - I've made > 2500 shots and videos there with a new toy - Pentax WP).I've made 2 albums of prints and added Egypt to Journeys pages of my web site...
So, now I can return to my Sony...
Its very cold here -30C and its hard to make photos, but...
Here's an 'original' so to say...

As usual, I've made some work in PS, trying to make different photos.
2 B&W (and yes, there's a tear in her eye...cold... and wind...)

3 color

4 diferent pose and some work with levels. Also zoom effect used to minimize file's size...

and... it'll be very interesting to know your opinion about which one of these two is better:
5 color

6 or b&w

Must say, I still use my F707 but thinking about R1 (mainly about money...:-)
At last I finished with my Egypt photos (ooh - I've made > 2500 shots and videos there with a new toy - Pentax WP).I've made 2 albums of prints and added Egypt to Journeys pages of my web site...
So, now I can return to my Sony...
Its very cold here -30C and its hard to make photos, but...
Here's an 'original' so to say...

As usual, I've made some work in PS, trying to make different photos.
2 B&W (and yes, there's a tear in her eye...cold... and wind...)

3 color

4 diferent pose and some work with levels. Also zoom effect used to minimize file's size...

and... it'll be very interesting to know your opinion about which one of these two is better:
5 color

6 or b&w

Must say, I still use my F707 but thinking about R1 (mainly about money...:-)
I've been admiring your portraits now for quite a while here on dgrin.
Most of them seem to be shot outside, not in a studio or in some pre-set environment but more on the streets. Am i right?
If so, how do you get all these beautiful people to pose? You just ask them? If so, you must be a charmer
About your 6 pics in this thread:
For composition, i like the first one the best. The color is a little flat, though.
For color, i like the 4th one the best.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
for me # 5 is the best!
-30°C, I think you need much vodka otherwise you get frost boils or will be freezed.
Otto, here are -10°C only
Nice to see you back with your Sony!
Studio Photography Lighting and Modeling Workshops For the Discerning Taste
"The only photographer we ought compare ourselves to is the one we used to be"
Thanks so much for sharing!
- Scott
Spasibo for your comments!
You sure have a great way of capturing their beautiful eyes, and skin - I'd give my pinky finger for skin like that.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso