Día de Muertos II BW set

Continuing with my previous post....
All of these images were originally shot with my converted D300, Super Color infrared (IR) camera. Post processing was applied to achieve the desired BW image.
I experimented a bit more with this set of images, attempting to be a tad more artistic and creative, going beyond the more standard IR post-processing treatment in rendering a BW image.
Image #1 was originally posted here as an IR color image. Here is the BW rendering.
Image #1
Image #2
Image #3
Image #4
Image #5
Image #6
CC are always welcomed and appreciated.
First one is great!
great work, specially #1!
Thank you for your comments, Stumblebum and Cristobal! I appreciate it!
El Gato
Great set! first and third, are standouts. There is something about the 3rd image, that captivates me.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Thank you for your comments. Yes, that third image, hummm. When I was working with it, I stopped in mid-process as the image seemed to be almost (to me at least) dreamlike, something that I could not really put my finger on. I stopped right there and did no further processing work with it.
Thanks again!
El Gato
More nice work. I think I prefer B&W IR as opposed to colored IR. I get up to Savannah, Georgia quite often. One of the most compelling targets there, for me, is the famous Bonaventure Cemetary. Not only is the property situated on one of the most beautiful sites around...long range views out over the marsh and waters....but it is thick with massive oak trees laden with a Southern staple....great gobs of moss. It can be very tricky shooting due to the severity of the mottled lighting caused by the tress and overhanging moss. When I'm able to get it right, though, the images can be striking. I've found that shooting there in B&W is preferable to shooting color....it's easier to deal with the uneven lighting.
Good set, particularly the second and third images. I like the first except for the sky but that may be just my quirk.
My IR camera has a permanent black and white filter, i.e., it doesn't allow any visible light to reach the sensor, which yours does. It's interesting to see how different yours are because of the difference in filters.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/