Video Playback Problem
When using Smugmug on Google Chrome, I am unable to get my videos to play. I get a "Network error download... " error in small font on the upper left of the video, and it only shows the opening image. Won't playback.
I guess I can't show a pic of this because I haven't posted here before.
My videos have previously played without a problem on Chrome. I don't know what might have changed.
Thanks for any help.
I guess I can't show a pic of this because I haven't posted here before.
My videos have previously played without a problem on Chrome. I don't know what might have changed.
Thanks for any help.
Try reinstalling Chrome. If you use Windows 7, you may need a codec pack. You may need to establish a new Internet/Network connection.
Try turning off all your Chrome Extensions. If that solves the playback problems, turn them back on one-by-one until you find the culprit.
SmugMug tries to optimize the playback video resolution to your device screen size. Generally, the larger the screen, the higher the resolution SmugMug tries to serve. Higher resolution requires more bandwidth than lower resolution.
It's important to run Internet speed tests on your devices to understand each capability to download and upload. For playing video it's mostly download speeds that affect playback, but interrupted uploads can also cause jerky video. I use an external USB adapter with a positionable antenna, which allows me to optimize the signal and throughput. If you are using a wireless Internet connection, try a better external adapter, and make sure to test both 802.11AC and 802.11N for throughput.
If your computer is doing an update, that can cause a reduction in available Internet speeds available for video. Make sure there are no simultaneous downloads for either the OS or other programs.
I had a recent Windows update affect network operation in general. Using a previous Restore Point returned the computer back to proper operation.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Is the gallery set to
Visibility = Private
by any chance?Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Working now! Thank you for thoughts.
Using current updated Chrome on Windows 10.
Did restore to before latest windows update... no joy.
Reinstalled Chrome... no joy.
Removed most extensions... WORKED.
Added back all of the extensions one by one... still working.
No clue what happened, but all is well, so moving on to the next issue.
Thanks for your thoughts.
BTW, how do you set the gallery to visibility = private? (all galleries were affected, BTW)
Working now! Thank you for thoughts.
Using current updated Chrome on Windows 10.
Did restore to before latest windows update... no joy.
Reinstalled Chrome... no joy.
Removed most extensions... WORKED.
Added back all of the extensions one by one... still working.
No clue what happened, but all is well, so moving on to the next issue.
Thanks for your thoughts.
BTW, how do you set the gallery to visibility = private? (all galleries were affected, BTW)
It's an option in the visibility setting in the Security & Sharing section of Gallery Settings.
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Thanks to all helpers.