Smugmug plugin for Lightroom - Tags not showing up

OskargunnOskargunn Registered Users Posts: 3 Big grins
I have an issue with synching photos from lightroom with the Smugmug plugin. All tags work except the ones that are marked especially through people tagging. Anyone else experiencing the same ?


  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins

    @Oskargunn said:
    I have an issue with synching photos from lightroom with the Smugmug plugin. All tags work except the ones that are marked especially through people tagging. Anyone else experiencing the same ?

    Are the keywords in Lightroom marked to include on export?

    Right click on it and look at the properties.

  • OskargunnOskargunn Registered Users Posts: 3 Big grins
    All Metadata are supposed to be included. All the keywords are exported and appear in smugmug except only the ones that come when I name a person. When I export the photo manually and import into smugmug the named person tag appears, so it's only when I use the plugin that this happens.
  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins

    I am using version of the plugin, and I just checked a recent publish and it included the person's name. I just tried another shot with multiple people keywords, and both appeared in SM.

    If you are sure you checked the keyword properties in lightroom, I would suggest contacting Smugmug help with details ( Sometimes they show up here, but they always show up if you open a support ticket.

  • OskargunnOskargunn Registered Users Posts: 3 Big grins
    I probably looked at a different properties window. I first looked at Plug-in Manager, but then I right clicked on smugmug under Publish Services->Edit Settings... there I could see that "Remove Person Info" was checked (probably default), so I unchecked it, and now Person Tags appear aswell. Thank you Ferguson for this hint :)
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