On the Road with my IR D300

Continuing with my passion for infra-red (IR) photography and finally having some time for post-process...
Here are several IR images I took this year on trips to Canada and the U.S. mid-west.
1 Cabin (Color IR)
2 Alberta - Autumn Wheat Fields (IR/BW)
3 Village Church (Color IR)
4 Church & Walkway (IR/BW toned)
5 Village Church (IR/BW)
Very nice. I like #3 more than #5. #3 does a better job of accentuating the starkness of the white church. By the way, white churches of similar appearance are seemingly behind every tree up in the Appalachians.
I agree. Of the "church grouping" #3 resonates greater with me as well. I included #5 as several folks commented previously that they would like to see what the IR to BW would look like.
Thank you for your insights and comments, as always, much appreciated!!
El Gato
There's no penalty for not choosing a favorite, and so I won't. IR generally doesn't move me, or moves me the wrong in the wrong direction, but these keep me going back for another look. Many thanks, @El Gato .
Smugmug: https://ralphmoon.com
--Ralph Moon
Smugmug: https://ralphmoon.com
"You look one moment and there's everything, next moment it's gone.
Photography is very philosophical." -- Joel Meyerowitz
Thanks Ralph...
IR certainly isn't everyone's cuppa-joe.
I very much appreciate your comment!
El Gato
First one is absolute killer! Your IR work is your true calling! Cheers!