1949 Cooper HRD

HRD = Vincent motorcycles and this is a 1000cc Vincent v-twin.
VSCCA hill climb at Mt Equinox.
This went up the mountain like a scalded dog and I'll guess it weighed less than 1000 lb with driver
It is better to die on you feet than to live on your knees.....Emiliano Zapata
Nice car! I like the second shot.
I agree ... hmmm .... rear engine, I wonder if the front found air...
Nice shots. Decent power and a lightweight body equals a lot of fun.
Gracias all.
I go to the VSCCA hill climb every year.
I raced Porsches for a while and the smell, noise and visuals of racing cars are crack for me.
The VSCCA runs a very well organized and safe event that draws entries like this Cooper.
Hey, guy, I hope you're doing well. Read a response I made to John about Daytona under my posting about a home in the " holler ". If you want Hurley Haywood's book, I can get him to sign one for you and send it your way.