Expanding menus on mobile view - expand from hamburger menu = menu, sub menu, sub of sub menu

Dear All,
I would like visitors to be able to expand ALL the depths of menus beneath my sub menus in my mobile view.
Please see screenshot of current mobile view. The green + marks are the menus I want to expand on mobile, they are "Bags of Love UK" and "Redbubble Store"
These menus already expand on desktop view.
How do I do this please? Can I do it by inserting CSS code into the content block that covers my entire site? If so any idea what code I should use?
I wish to retain the hamburger menu. When tapped it currently shows the main menu, then the sub menus. The sub menus of the sub menus are static.
I want it to show menu, sub menu, sub of sub menu when the + beside the words are tapped and collapse them when the + is tapped again
Thank you in advance, Heidi
You can't. SmugMug only shows one level on mobile.
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Thank you for your answer Mike