Text on Link

Thanks in advance for any help... This is driving me nuts, but I suspect someone who knows what they are doing can help me solve this in a few moments...
I have the words ‘random snaps’ appearing in links when I share my sight details. This is no longer something I want to appear. I cannot find where I entered these words, and so cannot delete them: Hope following screen shot shows what I

Hope to find and answer, thank you for your time! :)
Thanks in advance for any help... This is driving me nuts, but I suspect someone who knows what they are doing can help me solve this in a few moments...
I have the words ‘random snaps’ appearing in links when I share my sight details. This is no longer something I want to appear. I cannot find where I entered these words, and so cannot delete them: Hope following screen shot shows what I

Hope to find and answer, thank you for your time! :)
Images in the Backcountry
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ok, i’ll go ask the smug mug team. Cheers.
(Sorry, dgrin doesn't let new dgrin users post certain items, as a way to prevent spammers from signing up and spamming the forum)
Were you able to figure it out? Typically things like the "Randomsnaps" gets pulled in from the "Display Name" in your Profile. Or it could be the gallery or folder name.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
hi. Thanks for coming back. I’ve just checked, and no, not in the Display Name... Will go look at galleries.
Hi, In the end I contacted help. It appears a snag with my profile page was causing this problem. The help team re-loaded my personal profile and normal service is resumed. It was done in 5 minutes when I asked. Credit where due...