Linking to a specific spot on page

Can I use the standard menu creation tool to link to specific points on the homepage? I know I can create <a id= codes in html blocks to mark the places on the page, but can the regular menu link to those?
Can I use the standard menu creation tool to link to specific points on the homepage? I know I can create <a id= codes in html blocks to mark the places on the page, but can the regular menu link to those?
See jump links bottom of page.
This link works in top menu (Right end "Codes"), any other page and any place on internet.
I'll only keep this up a day or two for example.
In jump html block
My Website index | My Blog
You can link to any static id on the page
With a manually built link like
<a href="">Your Text Here</a>
You can also create a link for say the menu as such:
Here it is in a live demo:
Standard Page Link:
Link To Id Section On Page:
This is a working example and the content has screenshots of the builder. This will work with static ids already on your page or in ones you create in cutom html blocks. Note many of the id used throughout the smugmug site change on each page refresh.
Worked perfectly. Thanks