NC Barn and Introduction

Hello Everyone. I recently joined the forum after lurking for a few months and thought it was appropriate for an introduction, plus some photos. I'm based in Colorado but do a fair amount of travel for work and pleasure, so expect to see a wide variety of subjects and locations in the future.
I'll start with a series of shots of my late mother-in-law's barn in western North Carolina, and things we found inside.
1) Sunlight through a missing board.
2) Upper level interior
3) Untouched for 30+ years
4) Old tomato crates.
5) Crates holding up shed roof.
These were all taken under natural light in dark conditions as an experiment. Feel free to comment on the photos or just say hello. Maybe next time you will see photos of wildlife, landscapes, cycling, pets, or anything I happen to find interesting.
I love the work around in #5..
Nice shots well presented
@torags Hey, thanks for the comment. Yeah, finding how that roof section was supported in #5 was a real eye-opener. That section was crammed from floor to ceiling with junk for at least 30 years, and likely decades more. It wasn't until we cleaned it out that we saw this and decided to leave those crates behind.
I love #3 and #5
Thank you @Stumblebum for having a look and leaving the nice comment.
Well, this is right down my alley. I've spent many a moon tracking down subjects like this all over the Southern Appalachians. Old barns, dilapidated houses, ect. fascinate me and I'm hell-bent to snare as
many as I can before wood scavengers and/or nature claims them all. #3 is my favorite, #5 is good too. I like the conversion work in #3. I might have gone with a little stronger black but not at the expense of all the interesting details.
@black mamba Glad you liked them. I remember seeing some of your photos while in lurker mode and t thought you might be interested in the subject. Next post I'll round up some exterior photos of the buildings to show you what we're dealing with. The barn itself is in pretty good shape, but the out buildings have seen better days.
It's 'surprising how many people like #5, and not just here. It must speak to anyone who has used duct tape in ways it wasn't designed to be used. It was a bit creepy being in there, but the odds of it collapsing in that moment after 30+ years seemed pretty low. Just don't bump the crates.
Welcome to the forum. I really like the light in 1, very nice shot. 5 is a fun shot..., until it collapses!
@Juano Thank you for the welcome and the comments. When #5 does collapse, I will share some photos here.
I particularly like the light rays in the first picture.
Thank you @sarasphotos . That image was selected to be part of a local gallery's show on Sunlight.
I thought of black mamba when I saw this. My favorite is #3. It's a nicely created image but I am drawn more to the subject--so many stories in that collection of objects. I'd love to prowl around in there.
Lauren Blackwell