3M picture hanging strips...will they rip the paint off

I was going to try these things to put some photos up on the wall ..(no weight involved as they are glued only on a bit of new corflute type stuff) & are A4 size & smaller.
Anyone tried them ? Do they work this easy or will they eventually rip the paint off as blue-tac does if its left up too long ?
Anyone tried them ? Do they work this easy or will they eventually rip the paint off as blue-tac does if its left up too long ?
Note: The ones I have are product #3220 which I found at an Office Depot or OfficeMax. I can't find that product number on the manufacturers' web site linked above. The page I linked to contains what look to me like the closest current product, but I'm not sure.
In my experience, they do take the paint off sometimes. Not always but sometimes. To remove them you do the little manuever of pulling down the "tab" until the material stretches and releases from the wall. Well, sometimes it has a mind of it's own and decides to hold on to some wall. But only when I do it. The little devils seems to like my wife better than me.
And we have had the opposite problem as well: things magically releasing themselves from the wall in the middle of the night. Great way to wake up in the dark . . . the sound of something crashing and glass breaking.
I feel better now that I've vented . . .:splat
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
We never know how something we say, do, or think today, will effect the lives of millions tomorrow....BJ Palmer
Wholenewlight i sleep under a ceiling fan that i didnt put up....i wake at night & listen to it quietly wobbling in the darkness & wonder how well its secured. I often imagine it its going to drop off & land spinning on my toes or nose.
I thought that happened to you once already?
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Why do you think im waiting for it :uhoh
All this talk !!..Now im going to have to pull it down & re-mount it !
Geez that reminds me of "Twin Peaks"... creepy
If I were you, I'd do it - today.
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No way !
Its Australia day holiday here...we are all off to the dam for a swim/paddle/fish & BBQ. Suns up early & it only going to get to 85f so its going to be a good day out.