"What's that Grandpa??"

Driving my 12 yr. old grand-daughter around this past fall to see the local colors.
"What's that grandpa??"
Amazing how quickly what was once so familiar, a common sight, quickly fades in the face of technology.
I set out to find other such throw-backs, unfortunately I found none. Scouring the broader area and a bit further afield, I failed to find any more corner postboxes.
This corner may be one of the few remaining bastions of these once prolific, neighborhood American icons.
It's always fun explaining what we think is normal, but is novel to the younger crowd. I will confess that I first saw "What's that grandpa??" then started scrolling down. The "3-way" sign caught my eye before seeing the mailbox, but that would be an entirely different conversation to have.
This penchant you have for hunting down operable relics ( as I chose to call them ) such as this mail box, the pay phone, etc. is infectious. I find myself looking for them now.
Thank you sir. Yea, it is sort of a slight passion I guess for me. I am always looking for those (and I like your classification BTW)...operable relics.
El Gato