Sarcoscypha austriaca Scarlet Elf Cup Stereos
My apologies. I said I would upload these the day after I posted the single frames. I got very tied up in deciding exactly what species this was.
There are two species which look identical to the naked eye but differ in some microscopic detail. The other is the Ruby Elf Cup. which is more commonly recorded.
At one time, both would have been recorded under the name I used. This can only be settled by collecting some material from a second visit to the location. This is scheduled for Wednesday. In due course, I will make any correction.
These crosseye stereo pairs were shot with flash, except the last, which was 1/10 second in sunlight.
For technical details see:
One chewed:
While it has now been confirmed as the Scarlet Cup I have edited the title to give the specific name as [i]austriaca[/i]. Various combinations of common and scientific names have been used in the past.
At high magnification, the tiny hairs (at x400) are anything but straight.