Shooting Infrared: Work-in-process

I am writing an article on infrared (IR) photography and the following is a piece from that article. Thanks for letting me share this here, as there have been questions previously on my IR process.
The image was taken last autumn in Elk Island National Park, located 35 km east of Edmonton, Alberta along the Yellowhead Highway.
It is a little trickier shooting IR in the fall as the colors are muted and earthier. The most reflective color and one best for IR photography is green.
I started with the IR image straight out of the camera (IR color modified D300)... image #1 below.
Next, I swapped the red and blue channels, which produced image #2
Then adjusting levels, curves, and exposure, produces the result in image #3.
A little post-processing work with an ND filter and beyond that, it is a matter of taste and creativity,
such as…. adding a border, image #4
If the itch to shoot IR gets too strong to ignore, the coming change of seasons to spring and then summer (northern hemisphere), when everything is blooming and green, is an excellent time to experience and experiment with infrared photography.
Thanks again for letting me share this work-in-progress here.
I love the " finished product " in this exercise. Honestly, I could have looked at this picture and not realized that it had IR processing in its genetics. Great scene.....beautiful rendering.
First one works of me Gato! Cheers!
Thank you black mamba & Stumblebum, I appreciate your comments!!
Hopefully the coming "IR season" will give me opportunity to shoot some interesting subjects and continue developing the article.
El Gato
Always inspired by your IR work! Wish I had ability to apply myself and learn of these days!
Thanks Stumblebum! I appreciate everyone's comments here...inspires me to go out, shoot and continue learning and doing more in IR. Thanks everyone!!
El Gato