What happened to my old dgrin account?
I have not signed in since the the mandatory password reset. When I attempted today, I was directed to change my password. When I tried, I was informed that my email address was not recognized. Resetting using my username was not an option.
Without a login, I cannot post or DM asking for assistance. So I was forced to create a new account. Tried to do so with my old username, and was told it's in use.
So now I've created a new account with a modified version of my username. But I'd much prefer to use my old account.
If anyone has any insight on how to recover that, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
Without a login, I cannot post or DM asking for assistance. So I was forced to create a new account. Tried to do so with my old username, and was told it's in use.
So now I've created a new account with a modified version of my username. But I'd much prefer to use my old account.
If anyone has any insight on how to recover that, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
Don't panic-- your old account is still there. I'll send a pm shortly to this username.
I edited the email address on your old account to contain the one you supplied on the new account. You should now be able to change the password on the old account. your old username and all of the old content should be intact.