Interpretive Rust
Some may remember this interpretive rust shot. At the top, you have the sky and clouds. Below, just above the green tree line, you have a distant mountain range. Right below the tree line, you have a field of various flowers and other plants.
What I've never shown is the subject from which I extracted the rust interpretation. The hood of this old truck provided my subject and inspiration. From there my imagination took over.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Awesome. Is it normal to find such wrecks rotting in the green in the US?
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
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A rust mine! Awesome.
I admire your imagination, Tom!
Thanks for the comment. This shot, as does much of my work, comes from my exploring the Southern Appalachian mountain chain. I kid you not....there are literally thousands upon thousands of such abandoned vehicles strewn all throughtout those mountains. I see them by the roadside, in folk's yards, some tucked back in the woods, some even sitting in's amazing.
A rust mine, indeed. See my comment above. I could wear out several cameras if such targets were all that I chased.
Thanks, Sara. I try and rein it in sometimes but often it's a loosing battle.
Love the truck shot Tom!
Taz, you can't imagine how many scenes like that I run across. Just like the part of that old abandoned truck I shot, right up by the road, that lead to my current avatar. I'm still beholding to you for that one.
You need to compile the gps co-ordinates and mail them to me!
I'll go you one better, brother. Get your fanny over here and I'll take you on some treks through those mountains and hollows that would satiate anyone's thirst for adventure. Hell, we might even have to stop here and there to fire off a couple of shots.
Super find and excellent image! Wonderful colors and subject.
Itching to get out and search some of the local blue highways. Thanks for the inspiration Tom!!
El Gato