Heartland - Route 66

I was driving a portion of Route 66 last summer and came upon this beauty.
Just love traveling those Blue Highways!
I was driving a portion of Route 66 last summer and came upon this beauty.
Just love traveling those Blue Highways!
Great image, but the barn almost looks too nice! LOL
Thomson, Ga. USA
Thanks Orv. I agree...finding a working barn in this condition is rare.
El Gato
Poster! Love it! However, the sky has been darkened but not cleanly. There is a border between barn and sky and the crops..... I don't know if darkening sky is even needed. If really want to then make duplicate copy of image and take the exposure down to whatever you like. Then use that as a separate layer and merge it with original layer and keep the barn from original layer. Cheers Gato!
I like the shot a lot. It may not be that old but it has character. It's interesting how they extended that portion of the roof to protect what I assume to be a pully system for lifting hay, etc.
Very cool. What could be more American than corn and a red barn?
Taz is right about the sky and it's a good enough shot to warrant fixing that.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Thanks everyone I really appreciate your comments!
Taz, thank you for your suggestion. I will give it go and see if this will correct the line issue.
El Gato