Postcards from Thailand.....

Hi guys,
I just recently came back from a 3 week vacation in Thailand this last December. It was my second time and I am always moved.
People are loving, landscape is dramatic, the lines are incredible and, this time, there was a sad solice in the air. It was just a few weeks before the one year anniversary of the tsunami.
While we were there, my husband wrote a story/essay about what we were seeing and feeling. He spoke to many people about what they had experienced and lost, and I took pictures. The goal was to submit the "essay" and images to some different magazines when we got back.
We did submit to Travel & Liesure and Conde'Nast, but never heard back.
Has anyone here ever done something like this? Shot for a story on your own? What were your experiences?
Warning: These particular images on my website are more optimistic and show the beauty of Thailand. I felt that was ok, since they have very little that they have not cleaned and repaired since then. They pride themselves on the beauty of their land really and I wanted to show that. Sort of a lure to come back and travel the country...
Comments welcome of course:):
I just recently came back from a 3 week vacation in Thailand this last December. It was my second time and I am always moved.
People are loving, landscape is dramatic, the lines are incredible and, this time, there was a sad solice in the air. It was just a few weeks before the one year anniversary of the tsunami.
While we were there, my husband wrote a story/essay about what we were seeing and feeling. He spoke to many people about what they had experienced and lost, and I took pictures. The goal was to submit the "essay" and images to some different magazines when we got back.
We did submit to Travel & Liesure and Conde'Nast, but never heard back.
Has anyone here ever done something like this? Shot for a story on your own? What were your experiences?
Warning: These particular images on my website are more optimistic and show the beauty of Thailand. I felt that was ok, since they have very little that they have not cleaned and repaired since then. They pride themselves on the beauty of their land really and I wanted to show that. Sort of a lure to come back and travel the country...
Comments welcome of course:):
My Gallery
Honestly, I got kind of lazy with the forum and didn't want to post a lot of times. The images come off of my HD, so I only get one picture at a time
Thank you!!
On the site, they get stolen all the time, so that is the max on that crap site
Soon to change and be a brand new one!
I love the boat, the first one in your 'postcard'. It jumped out at me as well when scrolling through your gallery. What a trip that must have been.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
20D l BG-E2 l 17-40L l 24-105L l 50mm 1.8 mKII l 430ex
What kind of camera do you use & which lenses? Beautiful work!
In both places actually. I love your work and would love to see the images larger...
I love that place!
I shoot with a Canon 20D, 70-200 2.8 (my fav), 24-70 2.8, and a 18-55 3.5
I also love my Lensbaby and macro, but I didn't use them much on that trip.
When I do my new site, I will make the images bigger. I'll use flash and that should cut back on the theivin' a bit
Thanks again for the kudos!