Rose Chafer
in Holy Macro
These tend to arrive at about the same time as our Pyracantha bush flowers and bury themselves in the inflorescences, eating pollen. This year they are a few days to early.
I saw the first individual a few days ago and this in immediately after I photographed the Lesser Stag Beetle. One of its wings was not fully folded away but it flew away after this session, showing full function.
Olympus EM-1, (aperture priority), Olympus 4/3 50mm* f2 macro, 1/100 at f9 ISO 400, hand-held.
Then stereos are crosseye.
- These could be some of the last images with this lens, which is difficult to focus after it slipped off the low shelf where I keep it handy and fell to the floor. A brand new one of the same model is in the post.