Why didn't my gallery cover photo change?
Last night, on my personal computer, I changed the main photo on one of my galleries. I logged out and checked the gallery, and the photo was not changed. So I logged back in and changed it again. Then I logged out and checked it, and the photo was changed. This morning, on my work computer, without logging in to SmugMug, I went to my gallery, and saw that the gallery photo was not changed. What do I need to do to ensure that my site is published after I change something?
By the way, all photos that were uploaded last night are there as they should be.
You might have to clear your cache.
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I tried. It didn't work.
Check out https://crumbs-of-reality.smugmug.com/Trains-and-Railroads/All-the-Trains/ and tell me what you see as the gallery cover photo. Is it the bottom half a locomotive, featuring the headlights, and a gray wall on the right? Or is it the sunset view of headlights in the distance and glowing track that comes from https://crumbs-of-reality.smugmug.com/Trains-and-Railroads/All-the-Trains/i-RC8wqjN/A ?
Might it be related to the fact that the actual photo I used as a cover photo is hidden in the gallery? I have added frames and titles to all of my uploaded photos, but if I use one of them, the frame is included in the cover image. So, I uploaded an unframed version of the sunset photo, made it my cover photo, and then hid the photo in the gallery. That seemed to work.
I am doing the frames myself because SmugMug does not provide customization options for individual photos that I expected from such a well-known site. I was very disappointed about that.
I see the bottom half of a locomotive and a gray wall on the right.
I don't believe you can use a hidden photo for the gallery cover photo. The help page says:
That implies to me that since no one but you can see the photo it won't show as the cover photo. You might want to ask the helpdesk if this is the issue, https://help.smugmug.com/email-a-smugmug-support-hero-rkwelDyVrz
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I disagree.
Images in the Backcountry
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The choices were very limited and intrusive. I expected a full set of tools that would allow me to customize the appearance of my images in the same way that I can customize galleries or pages. Instead, there's almost nothing.
And yes, the problem is that a cover photo for a gallery must be visible within the gallery. Again, available choices are too limited. I can move the picture around to control which slice of it is used, but I cannot zoom in.
Not true. You can select any photo from ANY gallery.
Images in the Backcountry
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When picking a photo look for a breadcrumb at the top left so you can browse anywhere on your site for photo.
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Slow down. When picking a Feature Image, you can select from any gallery. When selecting a Cover Image -- the thing that makes a big banner across the top of a gallery page -- there is no breadcrumb on the page where you pick the image and no ability to select anything outside the gallery. Go try it. While RobR wanted to zoom in, I've often wanted to use a "zoomed out version" in cases where the picture in the gallery is cropped. You can't select the preview image for a video either. And you can't create special image to use as the cover, put it in the gallery, and then hide it, since you can't use a hidden image. I've bounced against all of these.
The breadcrumbs @Allen is talking about is this:

You can select ANY image in ANY gallery to use as a Cover Image.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
You can select any image in any gallery for a Feature image but the Cover image must come from the gallery you are working with. There is no breadcrumb. And what looks like a back arrow at the top of the screen is not active. Before I grabbed the screen there was a message at the top saying "select and image from this gallery".
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Ahhh. I just set mine in the "Basic" settings using the Feature Image, which DOES allow that. Forgot about the "Appearance" part.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Yes, feature image has always allowed that. Unfortunately cover image does not.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com