I need lens help!
I'm ready to get a new lens (under $500 prefereably). Ideally I would want an 18-200mm F2.8 lens which I'm pretty sure doesn't exist, and if it did I'm sure it would be pretty expensive. I really need a range of at least 28-135mm and need it to work in low light settings. I have a rebel xt, but am thinking about getting the 5D so whatever I get I want it to be good enough for either of them. I'm leaning more towards sigma lenses since they're much cheaper and I don't care much about how "sturdy" it feels. I just want it to do what I need it to without losing much (or any) quality.
One question is do I need to look at lens construction (group/elements) or the number of blades? I don't know what is good for either of those. also does the filter size matter? I don't really care unless there's a good reason for a bigger or smaller one. So here's a few of the lenses I'm looking at. with the above stats,etc
lens - zoom - f# - price - (group/element) - blades - filter
canon 28-200mm f3.5-5.6 - $359-549 - (12/16) - 5 - 72mm
sigma 28-200mm f3.5-5.6 - $199 - (14/16) - 8 - 62mm
sigma 24-135mm f2.8-4.5 - $319-359 - (15/16) - 9 - 77mm
sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 - $369-459 - (13/15) - 7 - 62mm
I like the 18-200 range but was conserned about the f range. I thought the 24-135 may be the best option because of the f range. I really don't know what is best so if you guys could give me your opinions that'd be wonderful! Thanks
One question is do I need to look at lens construction (group/elements) or the number of blades? I don't know what is good for either of those. also does the filter size matter? I don't really care unless there's a good reason for a bigger or smaller one. So here's a few of the lenses I'm looking at. with the above stats,etc
lens - zoom - f# - price - (group/element) - blades - filter
canon 28-200mm f3.5-5.6 - $359-549 - (12/16) - 5 - 72mm
sigma 28-200mm f3.5-5.6 - $199 - (14/16) - 8 - 62mm
sigma 24-135mm f2.8-4.5 - $319-359 - (15/16) - 9 - 77mm
sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 - $369-459 - (13/15) - 7 - 62mm
I like the 18-200 range but was conserned about the f range. I thought the 24-135 may be the best option because of the f range. I really don't know what is best so if you guys could give me your opinions that'd be wonderful! Thanks
for your first question, More blades=better bokeh at low apetures
2nd question-filter size, the bigger the size= the more money you spend on them
so yeah,
sigma 24-135mm f2.8-4.5 - $319-359 - (15/16) - 9 - 77mm
77mm is a common filter size
good range,
2.8 on the low end of you're apeture range,
hope i helped,
smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com
thanks for the info. It helped allot. The 24-135mm f/2.8-4.5 was the one I was leaning towards, but wasn't sure exactly why the numbers were better
remember that with the 5D you get better noise reduction, so that is one thing that you can keep in mind when choosing your next lens.
I didn't even think about that so thank you
What I would suggest for under $500 is two lenses. They don't fit your 18-200mm requirement but are good lenses and will get you better shots in low light than any zoom.
Canon 50mm f/1.8 - $80
Canon 85mm f/1.8 - $350
Or if none of these choices is really what you are looking for than save your money to buy what you really want. I can guarentee you that if you buy a lens you think you may not like you probably will not like it and end up spending more money when you sell it and get another lens.
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