Wondering where they all went?
Well, I found their hiding place. Dig deep in the Appalachians and there's no telling what you can come up on. I think the old boy there was a little leary of me putting the one eye on his stash.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Funny what people will collect. Maybe it is to catch rainwater to make some brew with it..
Thomson, Ga. USA
I wouldn't begin to quess why that old boy has all this stuff. But I can tell you that when you round the bend and come up on this scene, it warrants a big " Whoa...WTF ".
Wow, freaky stuff. Last one if played with can turn into big time art! Something disturbing about it.
Taz, I'd be interested in what you might suggest along the lines of " playing with " the image. I agree that there's something about the scene that's a little unsettleing....at least to me. In fact, as I walked around the place, I gave fleeting thought to the idea that I had stumbled across some barrier and entered the Twilight Zone. Just kidding.....slightly. I do believe the scene has a lot more to say than what I extracted from it.
I think you did very well. Let it be itself.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Tom you are much better than me at the conversion type game like in the rust-adventures. I think the scene imparts SPOOKY to me right away. Then the goal would be how to bring it out more. I guess black and white is one obvious choice. If the background was very dark the whites will jump out. I like the holes in the tubs also, look like eyes and shocked mouth. I would see if I can find a raven or something if possible......anything to say, this is a place you should run from.
A fun project......
Thanks much, Don. That's probably the course I'll pursue
Thanks, Taz. I may fool with it a bit and see what happens.
How about this one, Taz. " Visitors from outer space " or maybe " Tub People on a celestial cruise ". Then there's what I call it...." Tub People on a critical mission ".
Stunning! Beyond what I dreamt! Bravo Tom! Who knew the "leaves" would become such wonderful addition in b&w and add so much more.....didn't even visualize it but they are making the shot for me!
I'm with you, Taz. I had no idea that the leaves could play such a role. The more I messed with it, the more those leaves became beacons of light in a vast universe. I came to view the entire scene as a celestial happening. The Tub People are moving through the vast stretches of nothing to protect some of their empire. Their first assult team is the group on the right. Look closely and you can see the troops who are newbies to combat.....eyes wide open, mouths agape, and scared to death.
The real essence of this image is that it is a metaphoric spark that allows the mind to conjure up just about any scenario or circumstance that it wants to. Thanks, Taz, for spurring me on to new realms of perception.
Your prose as enjoyable as the picture itself!
How fun! Tub Wars...I can hear the music.
I'm tellng you, buddy, I just hope somebody comes out a clean winner.
Liking the edited version above. That's the right editing. Reminds me of the old film days when we'd shoot with something called high contrast copy film, used for shooting book pages and such.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks for your comments, David. The edited version certainly carries more visual wallop. I think it also promotes a much wider interpretive response from the viewer.
Ever consider what the image might look like if presented as a reverse negative? Might yield some interesting results.
Either way, spooky as was stated and still and interesting find! Right place, right time! Nice work.
El Gato
Thanks, my friend. I'll 'fess right up. I'm probably the least capable manipulator of images that you know. Beyond rudimentary adjustments, I fall all apart. I chose to blame that on genetics, but that's probably me just passing the buck.
I like both versions. My preference would probably vary from day to day.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
You know, Don, I kind of feel the same way.