Breadcrumbs does not show current gallery (but does show folders)

I do not generally use breadcrumbs for a variety of reasons, but am building a separate tree for some relatives to use in browsing old family photos, and set it on the top of folders and galleries in lieu of a title (and for navigation).
For folders, the breadcrumbs show the current folder name.
For galleries, it does not, even if "Show current page" is on (also if all the other options are on, or if they are off).
Is that the intended behavior, or is this broken?
Below is a gallery, the "Cousins" heading is the containing folder:
Here is the containing folder, where the breadcrumb is the same (this one is correctly showing the current page):
I think it's been that way since the cover-based design for galleries arrived in 2016. A little searching through old Dgrin posts shows there was considerable flap at the time about not having the gallery title in with the rest of breadcrumb any more. And in four years since, SmugMug has never cleaned up the breadcrumb widget menu to reflect that the current page is automatically OFF for galleries. The new cover-based approach introduced a second breadcrumb inside the gallery cover. I think SmugMug expected everyone just to remove the old separate breadcrumb widget in their galleries and use the new breadcrumb inside the gallery cover. With that expectation, cleaning it up the separate breadcrumb would have been low priority. Of course, not everyone did so. I didn't.
@Jtring, thanks, I should have searched harder (or further back). I always have thought that SM takes it personally when you don't think their new features are pretty and turn them off. Not surprising they ignore bugs in the result. I just don't get the idea of a cover image when it can't be smart about aspect ratio. I regularly go from very narrow to very wide screens, and it's really tough finding images that look good like that. So I turn it off.
I did just turn it on, and I don't see a breadcrumb inside it though. Nor a switch to enable or disable it.
Never mind, I found it, while the cover image is in the settings, the breadcrumb setting for the cover image is in the content and design under the associated style (collage landscape in my case). ANd it still doesn't show the current page.
I started working through some of the old discussion, thanks for the pointer.
I worked on that with one of our engineers pretty extensively -- and it was a tough problem to solve without removing peoples cheese for them (which we didn't want to do). So we made the decision to hide various pieces of information, attempting to push folks to remove the old breadcrumb CB and switch to the breadcrumb in the Cover Image. These were intentional choices -- "features", you could say, which we considered to be better than having the title duplicated all over your gallery.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
@leftquark, but the cover image breadcrumbs also do not show the current page and unlike the breadcrumbs widget there is no option to, plus the cover image is only on galleries not folders, so you can't be consistent.
That's what I am trying to do is have consistent navigation across folders and galleries.
I know Consistency is a hobgoblin or some such, but I still like it.