Where are my keywords (Password protected tree)

This is just wrong. I've read prior discussion (at least some) and none of it makes sense to me.
I have a folder that is password protected, and then under that public, (inherited) password inherited galleries and folders underneath. The photos are heavily keyworded with tags for people.
They are marked searchable by site default.
When NOT logged in, but accessing via password, I can see the galleries and photos. I CAN search by keyword and the images all appear, so the keywords ARE being used by search, which is fine.
If I clear context and do not provide a password the keywords are NOT found by search, which is perfect.
But when I go to the image itself, it will not show the keywords. This is bad, as I need people to see which people are tagged and help me tag the others. NO keywords are shown.
In prior discussions SM said things like "wouldn't want people to be able to search"... but the switches allow you to decide that, and search does work by these keywords.
So why do the keywords not show? All the search context seems to work fine, why are the keywords hidden?
The search section of help https://help.smugmug.com/add-search-to-your-site-rksNleDkErM implies search never works in password protected galleries; that is at best misleading since it does work once the password is entered. But this help setting https://help.smugmug.com/available-privacy-options-H1glgPyNSf is pretty clear that search can work. All of which is consistent with what happens.
But... why are the keywords hiding? I need them visible, how can I make that happen?
PS. Here's a prior discussion (https://dgrin.com/discussion/239905/allow-keywords-to-be-displayed-in-password-protected-galleries) but it seems out of date as search works with passwords otherwise.
I also tried changing to a "Anyone with a link" unlisted type, and now search does not work at all, and I still can't see keywords. That's probably appropriate, since it's difficult to know if you have the link by context during a search.
But passwords should work!
This means I need to make my stuff completely public to show keywords?!?!?!?
As long as there is a password no one including Google can get in. I have all my PW'ed galleries set as if they are fully public. BTW, only one PW on the very top family folder to flow down.
The only thing missing now is the KW's not showing in smart regular and galleries when using enter KW.
They do show logged in but not logged in.
I looked around and could not find any of the "From" links that were not from the original photo locations. This was fixed?
This was a mess is the past, sometimes "From" was from other smart galleries.
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@Allen, right, I think we agree on visibility of the galleries, all that seems to work fine.
But why are the keywords not showing for people who enter the password?
As to From links, in these galleries the from link for me is working as I would expect, showing visible galleries bit not hidden ones, so for example if under the password protected folder I have a "anyone with link" unpublished, which has a photo then in a public/passworded gallery, it suppresses the link when not logged in, which is what I would want and expect. If it's from a public or public/same-password gallery it shows the link. Perfect.
Indeed everything seems to work nicely except the inability to see keywords.
And while I'm on the subject this:
Which (emphasis mine) is clearly not true either.
Smugmug just said "make a feature suggestion". Apparently there's yet a new site for that, but to me this is a bug, not a feature request. Or it is a bug that search works; you can't have it both ways and claim it is right.
I declined, their feature request sites (there've been several, including a form here) and it's just where ideas go to die. But it definitely is wrong to treat a bug as a feature request.
Followup: After more discussion they agreed to bug report it and see how engineers react.