Mobile search showing smugmug favicon vs defined site favicon
I am not sure if this is new but I don't remember seeing it.
when searching in google on a phone (mobile) keywords that bring up my site, Brad R Lewis Photography, the search results is showing my page with the smugmug favicon instead of the favicon defined in my site.
I have attached two screenshots, one showing the search results, the other show my favicon in the URL of my site.
Do I need to add a custom link to correct this, here is a link to google favicon
Thank you for the help
There is no way to add that.
I don't own a mobile, so I can't even verify, but you can't control what Google displays.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Thank you Mike
I did some more research and this is something google changed end of last year. They do have a fix where you need to define a Link Tag in your header, but I am not sure how/where to add this code. Can you let me know if this is something I can add and where/how to add it?
The other issue that I am not sure about is the image must be hosted in the same domain. In Smugmug when you link directly to an image it gives you a SmugMug domain. Here is the link to my favicon on my smugmug site 48x48.png
Here is the recommended link tag to add by Google:
Add a tag to the header of your home page with the following syntax:
Can be any of the following strings:
"shortcut icon"
The URL of the favicon. Can be a relative path (/smile.ico) or absolute path (, but must be in the same domain as the home page.
Thanks for the Help
That tag/link has to be added in your Head section. SmugMug doesn't allow that anymore. There is nothing you can do about it.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
ok thanks mike.
it would be good if the option to load this icon, as in the address bar, was added in the smugmug features.
do you know if this can be taken into account?
I would like Smugmug to remedy this!
Apparently it's still an issue. Mine was fine for about two weeks but then my favicon was dropped from Google search results and replaced with smugmug. My other websites are fine, so this is something with smugmug.
Still an issue on Smugmug's end. It boggles my mind that they are dragging their feet on this fix!