He said......She said
The brain lobe on the left is that of a 50 year old male. The lobe on the right is from a 50 year old female. Both are in excellent health. Both were subjected to identical visual and aural stimuli at the same time. Would you care to speculate about the origin of arguments between the sexes?
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Good one Tom...
Is that in response to the question."Let's go shopping"
Hey, Rags. No, I think the stimuli had more of an amorous overtone.
Oh... Iforgot what that was.....
Its lovely as usual! I see maybe a figure in skirt on left? That's about it.
Thanks, buddy. People who see my rust work often ask where do I get my inspiration. I'm never sure how to answer that. It mainly depends on what I find when I'm scratching around for rust-shot candidates. I'll show you the candidate that served as the " model " for the " He said....She said " shot. It was an old rusted-out barn-type thing. I selected the end of the structure closest to my position. I then concentrated on the third vertical panel from the left corner. After isolating a very specific section of that panel, I made the shot. I proceeded to work with the image in PP until I was happy with it. The story line is a bit bogus but that's what the image made me say.
Wow pretty cool! I would not guess it.
Wonderfull barn!
Looks as if it could be one of those barns used to dry tobacco leaves.
Lovely, rusty colors. Nice image!
El Gato
Thanks. The old barn was just a quick grab shot. I always like to record the subject from which I extract my rust images. But you're right....it's a great rusty hulk and I think I'll go back and give the barn a chance to really shine. I appreciate your comments.