To Fathers.... near, far, gone, missed

Dad...we celebrate, miss, honor, thank and love you…not just one day a year but, throughout our lives….
Happy Father’s Day!!!
Dad...we celebrate, miss, honor, thank and love you…not just one day a year but, throughout our lives….
Happy Father’s Day!!!
Nice shot.... very appropriate ...
What a poignant image!!!! Technical success aside, it speaks volumes about a critical relationship....particularly in these times....between an adult and youngster. Bravo.
Very Sweet!
Thank you all for your endearing comments, I very much appreciate them.
I wasn't quite sure what I would come away with when I took the shot. Into the setting sun and all, with minimal setup or prep. I just saw the man and boy fishing and thought it would make an interesting shot. It looked as if the man was teaching the youngster (his son/grandson/neighbor/?) to fish. The boy was pretty focused and paying attention.
It is one of those shots that you take without great expectations that in the end, comes out alright.
I appreciate your comments, all of them.
Thank you!!
El Gato