A couple of ancient doors and windows
St. Augustine is just full of this kind of stuff. Trying to decide which straight lines to emphasize will put you in the crazy house. Part of the charm, I think.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I'm a fan of shooting for the details of old buildings. It's easy to look at the entire building but the beauty is in the details, chipped paint, weathered wood, tall grass. One of my best images was of overgrown dandelion's in an old front yard.
Thomson, Ga. USA
I can tell you like this kind of stuff as much as I do.
I love the second one Tom! The texture on first one for the yellowish portion is so busy and looks like unfinished product. I would say, forget the photo, if I was looking at it standing right there, my head would start spinning! Cheers!!
Brother, I can understand that. It looks like a grossly exaggerated stucco exterior. Stucco is very popular here in Florida in Spanish-style architecture but I've never seen anything approaching that much texture. Imagine a drunk coming home and stumbling onto his exterior wall.....well, they'd be stitching him up for a week.
These are great Tom, although I do like the 2nd better than the first. That weathered wood has loads of character.
I'm with you there, Sara. I had to include the first shot simply because of its exaggerated exterior. Anyone who's allergic to extremely weathered wood better avoid St. Augustine. Take care.