360° photos / tours

FreeheelvrmntFreeheelvrmnt Registered Users Posts: 29 Big grins

Does SmugMug have any support for 360 photo tours? I've been taking them as a part of my real estate photography business and I'm currently hosting them through CloudPano. SmugMug doesn't appear to allow iFrames in HTML widgets. Is there any other way to support 360 tours within my SmugMug site? I'd rather not have to build out a separate website and don't want to link away from my web properties.



  • PhyxiusPhyxius Registered Users Posts: 1,396 Major grins

    Hi Benjamin,

    Currently we do not support 360 photo tours but, I do welcome you to submit this as a feature request. You can enter all of the details (what you'd like, how you'd use it, etc) here: feedback.smugmug.com/ so that our product team can review your request!

    Christina Dale
    SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com

    Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
  • rjwilnerrjwilner Registered Users Posts: 86 Big grins

    Though I'm not currently doing any 360 photo work, I am seeing more and more of it being presented in a variety of forms...which leads me to think it would be a good feature to add.

  • BeaBea Registered Users Posts: 112 Major grins

    As Christina mentioned, we do welcome your feedback here: feedback.smugmug.com/ - thanks for adding it in advance :D

    SmugMug Support Hero | My website: www.beabird.net
  • sahnecrackersahnecracker Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    I have already inquired last year and also made a request. When will this finally be implemented? Facebook can do that too.
  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,315 moderator
    edited June 26, 2020

    I believe it was Nick Sherlock, a customizer and Smugmugger who sometimes posts here, who once had a solution to 360 x 180 interactive display. It involved hosting the photos and code (Javascript) at a 3rd party site (such as one's personal web space), and a heck of a lot of customization code to work on Smugmug. I just cruised his site, and couldn't find it listed anymore. But it worked a couple years ago, so I'd bet that this still might be possible to accomplish with some creative workarounds.

    For that matter, if one has a custom hosting site that could also host the custom javascript code (lots of 360 JS is findable with searches) and the 360 x 180 photos, it would quite possible to make a look alike SM page(s) with the interactive displays. Then it would be a simple matter to link back and forth to those and make it look mostly like one site with SM as the jump-off. I used to do that myself long ago.

    Are there current popular blogging platforms that can also host interactive photos? (I actually don't know). Many Smugmuggers have a 3rd party linked customized blog as part of their Smugmug experience.

    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • timstahmertimstahmer Registered Users Posts: 4 Big grins
    Flickr supports and displays 360 images. You can also use the embed code to add the image to another website. I've never tried it in SmugMug but at least it works with my WordPress site.

    Considering that SmugMug now owns Flickr, wouldn't it be relatively easy for your programmers to "steal" the code for supporting 360 from them? :-)
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