Evening - The Sun Set - Twilight Time

I can see it all
From this great height
I can feel the sun
Slipping out of sight
And the world still goes on, through the night
-- The Moody Blues
Throughout my travels, I have had my fair share of exposure to sunsets and the privilege to witness some pretty awesome ones.
Here are three that captured my attention....
1 Malaysian Borneo, state of Sabah
2 Walawaani Njindjiwan Njin Booderee National Park, Jervis Bay, Australia, NSW
3 City of Chicago Skyline, Lake Michigan
Lovely evening captures! Makes me long for the coast again.
Thomson, Ga. USA
Outstanding, my friend. Do you know if that cloud structure in the first shot has a name. One like it popped up here about 2 months ago....and me with no camera at the time. That doesn't happen often.
Gato, I think its a blessing to catch good light always. However, what I have learned is when you do catch this light, ALL SAT/TEMP/VIBRANCE sliders etc. should be put to ZERO. If it still looks cooked then even pull back.
Second one is best but it can use desat and cooling (considerable).
Also a great way to represent source of light is by blowing it out a tad, so where sun is that area should be in my view tad blown out and much brighter than rest.
Here it is almost darker than the rest especially area below sun. In my view need to reverse that.
You can also reduce contrast and sharpness and dehaze some....
Thanks always, for your assessment and ideas. I will go back and try your suggestions, much appreciated.!!
El Gato
Sorry, I do not know the correct name for these clouds. Only have seen them once and it was in Borneo.
I was floating down a river in a long-boat sort of craft, sun going down, twilight gaining on us, temps cooling, breeze coming up and all sorts of nocturnal life was beginning to stir. Took a couple of photos, put the camera down and decided to simply watch the show. Memorable.
El Gato
Great sky in #1...
Good snaps - I also have an obsession with sunrise/moon rise & sun/moon sets...
Lovely shots.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Wow, great captures. Very intense colors, and clouds. The clouds Tom is referring to, look like something we get occasionally, known as Popcorn clouds, or Cirruscumulas. I only know because of a friend that runs a remote weather station.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Thank you everyone for your comments...I appreciate them very much!!
El Gato